P.E. News

Foundation students have been practising their kicking, leaping and jumping in a variety of activities. They have used their kicking skills in a game called Kickball, which is an introduction to a base running game.
Students in Year 1-6 students have completed units on Australian Rules Football (AFL) and T-Ball (Yrs 1-4) and Softball (Yr 5/6).
In AFL the focus was learning skills, such as punt-kick, handball and marking the ball, whilst learning some of the basic rules and kicking plenty of goals.
Year 5/6 students finished the unit by playing a game of touch AFL, with no tackling. During the AFL unit there was also the opportunity for students to practise for Cross-Country, as there is lots of running required for both activities.
T-ball and Softball are both base-running games similar to baseball, and students have been practising the skills needed, particularly, throwing, catching and two-hand strike. learning the rules, and finished the unit by playing a game. Year 6 students will play Softball in Inter-School Sport next term.