Key Dates

Friday 21st June Year 5/6 'Living Museum' Expo
Friday 21st June Special Lunch - Sushi
Friday 21st June Assembly, 3pm
Monday 24th June - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wednesday 26th June (2 night - 3 day camp)
Tuesday 25th June AFL Clinic
Wednesday 26th June School Council Meeting
Friday 28th June Last day of Term 2, students finish at 2:30pm
Monday 15th July Curriculum Day - no school for students
Tuesday 16th July First Day of Term 3
Monday 22nd July Yarn Bark Whole School Incursion
Wednesday 24th July Foundation - Year 2 Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 25th July Years 3-6 Student Led Conferences
Friday 26th July Assembly, 3pm
Tuesday 6th August Year 3/4 Excursion to CERES
Friday 9th August Assembly, 3pm
Wednesday 14th August School Council Meeting