Principal's Press

Holiday Blessings
It is quite amazing how quickly this year is going! We hope you have a relaxing holiday with your family during the semester break. If you are travelling, we pray for travelling mercies and for the whole community, we pray for a relaxing time to reset and recharge ready for an action-packed Semester 2.
Mufti Day
On Friday, we will be having a Mufti Day with a ‘Winter Woollies’ theme. So come dressed in your warm, comfortable clothes for a lovely end to term. Note, if you have a class like Wood Technology, Agriculture or Food Technology on that day you will also need to bring suitable shoes for those class environments, no slippers or Ugg boots!
Reports will be emailed out to families on Thursday 4 July. Please make sure that you have an up-to-date email address registered in our system, contact the office if you need to change this email address.
New School Jumpers
A new variable of school jumpers is now available from Lowes. This new style features a quarter zipper on the front with a warm fleece material.
Mrs Lisa Dumicich
Interim Principal