Education in Faith

Confirmation Family Faith Night
Last night, we had our Confirmation family faith night. Thank you to all our students and families who took the time to come along and be part of the journey to celebrate Confirmation. It was an engaging night, discussing the many important parts for this sacrament. We spoke about Saints and how they are people who lived a life which was inspired by the words and actions of Jesus. We too can be saints, which we also discussed after watching a snippet from the movie St Vincent, which encouraged us to think about people in our lives who demonstrate many qualities of a saint.
Then we engaged in a fun game, hosted by Matt, on the symbols and rituals of all the Sacraments of initiation. Everybody got involved, showing the knowledge they had on Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. As our last activity, students and families decorated a candle. The flame representing the holy spirit that swept over the disciples at Pentecost, in the form of flames of fire. The same Holy Spirit that will seal our candidate's initiation into our Catholic Church.
Thank you to our Year 6 teachers and Claire for all the preparation that went into last night but also in the learning over the last few weeks!
Confirmation Information
Timing of photos:
12pm Celebration: | 2:30pm Celebration: |
Individual photos begin at 10:45am until 11:30
All candidates for the 12pm celebration are asked to be at school at 11:30am to be in a group photo prior to the commencement of the celebration | Individual photos begin at 12:30pm until 2:00pm
All candidates for the 2:30pm celebration are asked to be at school at 2:00pm to be in a group photo prior to the commencement of the celebration |
There is no set time for students to arrive for individual photos. You can arrive at any stage during the allocated time allocation., eg: if you are ready to take photos at 12:30pm you can arrive at this time and once completed go back home to return back at 2:00pm for the group photo.
Our Sacred Space will be opened to family and guests 30 minutes before the commencement of the Mass. Candidates will have allocated seating of 6 seats. Other guests can use the unallocated seating around the space.
Eucharist Photos
Photo packages that were ordered from our Eucharist celebrations will be distributed today. If you have any questions about them. Please contact Adrian BEKKER directly on 0418 522 309
Parish Mass
What a wonderful celebration we had last week at Mass with our Foundation students. They showed great reverence and respect attending their first mass for the year. Thank you to all our family and friends who joined us at this time.
Tomorrow our mass will be celebrated by our Year 2 students. Please join us at 12:00pm in our Sacred Space. Tomorrow, we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. The Feast of the Sacred Heart takes place on a Friday, 19 days after Pentecost.
The Sacred Heart is one of the most beautiful images of Jesus. It reminds us how much Jesus loves us. He loves us so much that He can’t keep his love to himself.
This week, our Year 2 students have been learning about the Sacred Heart. They have looked at images of the Sacred Heart, reflecting on what each part symbolises. Students have made connections between how we share love with others in our lives, just as Jesus shares love with us.
Please note: Next Friday 14th June there will be no parish mass at 12pm, as we prepare for our Sacrament of Confirmation celebrations on Saturday.
Education in Faith Leader