Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
Congratulations to the members of our Divisional Cross Country Team who competed at Kilmore yesterday! Congratulations to Declan and Audrey (Year 4) who have qualified as emergencies for their age group in the next round of competition.
Thank you to our Year 6 families and students who joined us last night for our Confirmation Family Faith Night. We look forward to celebrating this special sacrament with you on the 15th June
We had a great turn out for our 'How to Read with your Child at Home' information sessions on Tuesday. Thank you for continuing to work in partnership with us to improve student learning outcomes.
Cold and Flu season has hit early this year!
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we manage the ongoing staff shortages at school. We are doing our best to minimise disruption to student learning and programs when staff are absent, however at time this means response times and other school processes are delayed.
Thank you for keeping children at home when they are unwell and adhering to exclusion periods for sickness that can be easily spread through transmission eg, colds, gastro, conjunctivitis, Covid-19, Influenza.
The Department of Health provides the following guidance on exclusion periods for common illnesses:
At school we promote regular handwashing or sanitizing, cleaning of surfaces and frequent touch spots and coughing and sneezing etiquette. Please reinforce these behaviours at home to help stop the spread of germs
Congratulations to Clare (staff), Ian and Billie on the safe arrival of your beautiful new baby girl Matisse!
Enjoy the upcoming Long Weekend!