Where everyone is Welcome!

Calendar Dates- What's on.


19th-21st      Yr 5/6 Camp - Sovereign Hill

28th                End of Term 2 - 1.00pm Dismissal







God the Father,

we praise and bless you

because you are the ‘Abba’ of Jesus, and our Father,

also lavishing us with your compassion and forgiveness.

God the Son, we praise and bless you

because you are God’s Word in human flesh,

revealing on Earth God’s forgiveness and compassion.

God the Holy Spirit, we praise and bless you

because you are the breath of God’s love and you breathe in us.

To you we direct our love, forever and ever,



From the Principal

Dear Parents,


I hope you are all well and adjusting to the extreme change in temperature and weather we have experienced this week. 

Congratulations to our students in Grades 2, 3 and 4. Yesterday they participated in the Gala Sports Day at Elgar Park and represented our school in T-Ball alongside the students from St Peter and Paul (Doncaster East). For most of the students this was their first time going to an interschool sporting event and we recognise their enthusiasm, team spirit and encouragement of each other. I am sure you will enjoy looking at the photos included in this newsletter. 


Thank you to Miss Melgaard and Ms Egan who supervised and supported the students at the event. Further, we acknowledge Miss Melgaard’s support in helping to prepare the students for the event by organising additional training opportunities for them.


Thank you to Mrs Sherriff for her role in liaising with physical education teachers from other schools and ensuring our school is always well represented, and most importantly well prepared for any of the events in which we participate. 


Feast of the Sacred Heart St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal


Friday 7 June was the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and traditionally the children of St Philip’s have collected non-perishable items of food to share with those in need within our community.  The food that is collected is passed onto St Vincent de Paul to be distributed to those in need in our local area. 


We are asking families to participate by sending along dry and canned non-perishable items to your child’s classroom over the next few weeks. Please check that the items are not past their use by date.  A box has been placed in each classroom and the food will be collected by the Social Leaders and presented to St Vincent de Paul at the end of this term. 


School Camp

Next week the Grades 5 and 6 students will travel to Ballarat for their camp experience at Sovereign Hill. The staff accompanying them during their three days at camp are Mrs Sherriff, Miss Melgaard and Mrs McKenna. Mrs Terrance will be teaching the Grades 2, 3 and 4 students Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week. 


We wish everyone a safe journey to and from Ballarat and a positive time as they experience learning and engaging in a different environment.  


School Assembly

All parents and carers are welcome to attend our school assemblies on Friday mornings at 9.00am in the Fr Arnold Centre. This term’s assembly roster is as follows:


14/06/24 Week NineGrades P-1
21/06/24 Week TenNo Assembly  
28/06/24 Week ElevenGeneral Assembly

Assessment and Reporting

Teachers are currently finalising assessments in preparation for Semester One reports. They will use the work samples and other data and make supported judgements for their report writing. Parents will be able to access the Semester One reports via the Parent Access Module (PAM). The reports will be published on Monday, 24 June. Student Learning Conferences will be held in Term 3 as a follow up to students’ progress and their future learning. 


School Closure Day

Our next school closure day is planned for Monday 9 September in Term 3. The focus of this day is Religious Education. 


2025 Enrolments 

Enrolments for 2025 are open. If you are aware of anyone who has a child who will be commencing in Prep in 2025, please encourage them to apply.


Warm regards,

Michelle Worcester




All of our students have been registered for this  years challenge.

If you are participating, please logon with the details you have been provided

and record the books you have completed. We will then verify them online.

Happy Reading!


Yr 2,3,4 Sports Gala Day


The students in Yr's 2,3 & 4, joined forces with Ss Peter & Pauls Primary school students to

compete in T- Ball at the Gala Sports yesterday held at Elgar Park.


Yesterday we went to Gala Day, we played Tee ball at Elgar Park. I tried hard to hit the ball but I got out on first base. We won the Grand Final and got to bring a flag back to St Philip's, we were really happy and excited! At the end of the game we shook hands and said 'GG' (Good Game!) -Azelie


It was very good to go to Gala Day and play with St Peter and St Paul in our joint Tee ball team. I was very excited when we won the semi-final and then I did cartwheels when we won the Grand Final! -Aria


I was the backstop for most of the day, it was a fun job but it is also a dangerous one! Luckily I was wearing lots of protective gear. Across the day I got 20 people out by catching the ball and putting my foot on the base. -Francis 


In the Grand Final one of the teachers from St Peter's and St Paul's told me that I am a great batter because I hit the ball well and I made a run. We won the Grand Final, it was an exciting day. -Christopher


I was so happy because I made a run in all 4 of our games and the semi-final. I was very excited that we won the Grand Final. -Ricky


We had 2 groups, Silver and Lime and both teams brought home the flag. We also got to know the students at Ss Peter and Pauls. -Capucine


We all had a turn at batting, fielding and keeping base, it was fun, we all worked together to win our divisions. -Rosie



Last week we received the School Photos taken by Elite School Photography earlier in the year. As the ordering of the photos were to be completed online, some families may have

overlooked this. If you did not receive photos and would like to place or query an order, please contact Elite School Photography directly on 9570 9311.


Junior Landcare Grant


We are thrilled to announce that we have received a Woolworths

Junior Landcare Grant for our project - Gourmet Garden.


We are looking forward to preparing, planting and harvesting our Gourmet Garden. This is a fantastic opportunity to provide an outdoor learning experience for our students, who will be educated in growing their own food to consume.


St Philip’s Primary School is one of 1,041 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia to receive a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions. 


The children and teachers are looking forward to getting their hands dirty and learning from this project – we’ll keep you updated!



Cake Raffle 

The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.    Please sign up for Term 2 to bake using the following link https://volunteersignup.org/ECRFE

We require a baker for the last week of term please.

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support


Tuck Shop


Clara and Angi are managing the tuckshop in 2024 - please reach out to them if you’d like to join the tuck shop team.

Clara: 0449 767 020 and Angi: 0431 021 711 



Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 






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