
Upcoming Mathematics Competitions

We are excited to announce two upcoming mathematics competitions that our students will be participating in this August.


Matific Olympiad for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 Students

The Matific Olympiad will take place from Monday 5 to Friday 9 August. All junior school students have been registered for this exciting event, which offers rewards (including cash prizes) for both students and their classrooms. This is a fantastic opportunity for our younger students to engage with mathematics in a fun and competitive environment. Students need to login to Matific during those dates and complete activities to earn points.

In previous years, some of our classes have excelled in this competition, and we are eager to see more of our students shine this year. While we will provide opportunities for students to complete activities during school hours, we also encourage you to support and motivate your child to participate at home. The time spent on these activities at home is at your discretion, guided by teacher recommendations.

For more details about the competition, please visit Matific Olympiad.


Australian Mathematics Competition for Years 3 to 6 Students

The Australian Mathematics Competition will be held from Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 August. We have already gathered expressions of interest, and will soon create a new event for those students who have expressed interest. Further details, including payment information, will be included in a Compass event to be published soon. 

This competition is a great opportunity for our senior students to challenge themselves and showcase their mathematical skills on a national level.


We look forward to seeing all our students participate and excel in these competitions. Thank you for your support in encouraging a love of mathematics in your children.

Kelvin Tang

Numeracy Specialist