
Science Talent Search

Students have submitted their projects for this year's Science Talent Search (STS) on the theme Species Survival: More than just sustainability. The STS Judging Day is Saturday 3 August. 

All the best to our students competing this year and for those presenting their project (model or computer program) next Saturday for judging.

Simon Liao & Felicity O'Flynn

STS Coordinators

Science Incursions

National Science Week will be celebrated from Saturday 10 to Sunday 18 August 2024.

Throughout the year, students have explored various science topics including Biology, Earth and Space, and Chemical and Physical Sciences. We will celebrate our students' achievements in science learning with the following incursions facilitated by Mad About Science between Tuesday 6 and Friday 9 August: 

  • Prep - Living Things on Tuesday 6 August - Students take an expeditition into the world of living things! Learn how to identify the living from the non-living, and the features that make each animal perfect for its niche. Investigate life cycles and adaptations, and sense and see the world the way animals do. Finally, meet real life mini-beasts, including building your own class worm farm!
  • Years 1 & 2 - the Mad Science Show is a jam-packed 60 minute show of BIG WOW! Science madness! There's a giant smoke vortices, levitating beach balls, flying toilet paper, flour fire-balls, raising electricity, and lots of learning! The Year 1 incursion is on Friday 9 August. The Year 2 incursion will be rescheduled.
  • Years 3/4 - Living Things on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 August - Students will understand how the amazing diversity of organismas fit together in a fod web of poducers, consumers and decomposers. Learn about the threats that our spectacular biodiversity faces thanks to climate change and other factors, and finally, encourter amazing, real-life mini-beasts!
  • Years 5 & 6 - Liquid Nitrogen Show - learn all about the states of matter and what happens when we heat things up and coll things down with super cool liquid nitogen. Lots of ice breaking volunteer moments, chilling demonstrations and even a frosty explosion - learn about reversible and irreversible reactions with us! The Year 6 incursion is on Friday 9 August. The Year 5 incursion will be rescheduled

Incursion information has been published on Compass. Consent and payment are due now and not later than 31 July.

Family Science Games Night

Deakin University Science Education Academics are proud to be hosting the Family Science Games Night for National Science Week again this year.

This event is perfect for families who enjoy science and games. Our games include board games for all skill levels and ages as well as bingo - a family favourite.

Registration is free, essential, and online at Humanitix – see the link below. We have limited capacity – so please be sure to register early.

Thursday 15 August 2024

The event starts at 6.30pm and will go for two hours. 

We operate in the Atrium between buildings N and M on the main Burwood campus of Deakin University.

Tickets for Burwood 

We hope to see you there.