Swimming Program

The swimming program is part of the Health and P.E. learning area in the Victorian Curriculum and a compulsory activity, as directed by the Department of Education, and all students are expected to attend.


Students participate in an intensive program of daily lessons at Huntingtower Sports and Aquatic Centre (HSAC) Swim School. Over the course of the program from Prep to Year 6, students will build lifelong knowledge and confidence for acquatic activities; swimming techniques and strokes, rescues and water safety, floating, and treading water will be covered, with the goal of working toward an assessment for the Victorian Water Safety Certificate.


The 2024 swimming program:

  • Prep - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in weeks 9 and 10 from Wednesday 11 September to Friday 20 September (subject to confirmation).
  • Year 1 - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in weeks 7 to 9, from Monday 26 August to Tuesday 10 September (subject to confirmation). 
  • Year 2 - Friday in weeks 3 to 6 from Friday 2 August to Friday 23 August, and Thursday and Friday in weeks 7 and 8 from Thursday 29 August to Friday 6 September. 
  • Year 3/4 - Wednesday 1 May to Friday 10 May. 
  • Year 5 - Wednesday and Thursday in weeks 3 to 6, from Wednesday 31 July to Thursday 22 August. 
  • Year 6 - Monday and Tuesday in weeks 3 to 6, from Monday 29 July to Tuesday 20 August, except the student-free day on Monday 12 August. 

Students must bring the following items to school every day in a separate bag for their swimming program: 

  • Bathers (must be worn to school under school uniform) 
  • Goggles
  • Slip on shoes e.g. thongs or Crocs
  • Towel (can also include an additional hand towel - see tip below) 
  • Underwear
  • Swimming cap (can bring their own, but the school will provide a cap for every student). 

Please make sure all items are named. This will help any lost property can be promptly returned. 


Program details for each year level will be published on Compass. Consent and payment are due on publication of the activity notice and not later than the specified date; CSEF can be applied. 


There will be no refunds for lessons missed, as the costs are set. 


Here are some additional recommended swimming program tips:

  • Your child must be able to undress and dress independently. If your child is not confident with undressing and dressing themselves, please have them practice in the days leading up to their swimming program. Developing independence is an important skill, and necessary for the program to run efficiently on arrival at the pool and for our return to school. 
  • Children must wear their bathers to school under their uniform on swimming program days, as the limited time at the pool on arrival only allows time for children to get out of their uniform ready for their lesson. 
  • A two piece swim suit is suggested if your child may have difficulty taking off a one piece swimsuit to go to the toilet throughout the day before going to their lesson. 
  • Tie long hair back, preferably in plaits or braids.
  • Pack extra healthy snacks as students can get extra hungry! 
  • Pack a plastic bag for wet clothes and towel.
  • Including a small hand towel may be useful for children with long hair.
  • Do not order lunch from the Canteen during the swimming program, as eating times vary. 
  • A swimming cap will be provided by the swim school. 
  • Parents volunteering must hold a current Working with Children Check and have signed the Child Safety Code of Conduct Acknowledgement. These must be lodged at the School Office. 
  • Parents volunteering for the swimming program are required to assist all students not just their own child. 
  • Parents are welcome to attend HSAC to watch their child's progress, but may not interact with their child at the pool and may not take photos or video. 

Eric Zhang & Rowena Lin

Swimming Program Coordinators