
Recycled Cardboard Trees

Inspired by artists who use recycled cardboard to make their arts like Dutch artist Ferry Staverman, this term the Grade 1 and 2 students have been making trees with cardboard normally thrown in the recycling bin. The cereal, taco and museli bar boxes have been turned into the most wonderful colourful trees! 


First the students cut the cardboard into different oval shapes and then carefully painted each side in analogous colours with acrylic paint, learning how to mix different shades and tints of each colour. Once dry, they added all kinds of lines to the shapes and cardboard roll using paint pens.  Finally, the students learnt that by making small slits in the cardboard they could join the pieces together, even with a little shake the leaves won’t fall off! Some of these beautiful trees are displayed in the library for everyone to enjoy:


Justin 2S
Charlotte 2M
Everly 2S
Jennifer 1R
Sophie 2M
Eve 2S
Alex 1R
Daphne 1L
Corbin 1R
Justin 2S
Charlotte 2M
Everly 2S
Jennifer 1R
Sophie 2M
Eve 2S
Alex 1R
Daphne 1L
Corbin 1R


The Foundation students have also been making sculptures out of cardboard this time using egg cartons. They each painted six cut egg carton pieces in lovely cool colours, and then thread the cartons onto rope with beads to keep them in place. They have enjoyed showing off how their fish can wiggle and jiggle, and told me all the fun places they have put them. Here are some of the Foundation students with their ‘wiggly’ fish: