Check this page regularly for updates.

Student Sport Reports

 Mountain Bike Races

AusCycling are holding a series of Mountain Bike races for school students in Victoria.  

Categories will be available from U9 through to U19. 


Round 1 is in Dromana, hosted by the Red Hill Riders on June 23rd. There are four other races through until September 8th. 


Event information can be found on the AusCycling website at this link: 



Please click through to the event entry link for detailed information about each round. Rules and regulations can also be found in the series guide at the above link. 

Jump Rope for Heart

Upcoming events 

Cross Country 

NMR Wednesday 19th June, Kilmore Racing Track 

State Thursday 18th July 



School House 8th August, Collingwood track 

District Monday 26th August, Meadowglen arena 

Division Wednesday 11th September 

NMR Wednesday 16th October 

State Wednesday 6th November 


Year 6 interschool sport 

All fixtures start at 11.30am 

This week we are AWAY to Ivanhoe Grammar School 

AFL Chelsworth Park 

Netball Buckley House 

T-Ball Buckley House 


Last weeks results were, 

HOME to Ivanhoe East Primary School 

AFL loss 

T-ball girls loss 

T-ball boys loss 

Netball A loss 

Netball B loss 


Looking ahead 

In term 3, starting August 26th for 4 weeks, we will be participating in Jump rope for heart. It will be for students in Foundation to year 2 and will be a part of their PE program at this time. Please read the attached parent information regarding this fundraiser.