From the Principal  

 Welcome to IPS

In 2020 when prospective students and families couldn't visit and tour our school some of our Foundation Students worked with me to make a movie to show you what is important to them. 

This week I invited the same students to talk about their experience with school in 2024. 

I hope you will watch the video above before watching the video below. These are their unscripted responses. Thank you to Oscar 4C, Zoe 4C, Pippa 4C, Jasmine 4C Ashley 4C, Chloe 4K and Alex 4T. (Unfortunately Amy was absent the day I filmed this). 

Our students are the best ambassadors for our school. Quite frankly I couldn’t be prouder of our student body or feel more privileged to lead IPS.

Battle of the Bands

Mrs Morrow needs some help to set up the sound systems for the event. If you have some experience please consider volunteering a little of your time to help set up sound equipment and be a roadie from 2.40pm on Wednesday 19th June. If you're able to help out, please call the office. Thank you!


The much anticipated, Battle of the Bands 2024 will be presented on 20th June! 

Families are welcome to come along to watch along with the student audience. It's set to be another showcase of how talented our students are!

Student Attitudes to School Survey

Last week students from years 4 to 6 completed the Department of Education's Student Attitudes to School Survey. 


Students are asked to comment on items such as; 

  • My teacher cares about how I'm feeling,
  • I have an adult at school I can talk to, 
  • I am learning things that really interest me,
  • My teacher makes sure all students are included, 
  • I feel proud about being a student at this school and 
  • Students at this school treat each other with respect.

The school community will be provided with more detail once the Department of Education releases the results in Term 3. 


Our collective focus is to ensure students have effective teaching, are engaged in learning,  along with providing opportunities for sound wellbeing support. We use data from this survey, and other sources to improve our practice.

Cold and Flu Season

We all want to be as healthy as possible but coming into winter, that can be tricky.  We have had an increased number of both students and staff who are sick and it is clear that there are a few nasty bugs going around.  


If your child is unwell, please don't send them to school.  Our bodies respond well to rest and recuperation.  Keeping your child at home for a few days will allow them to get the rest they need and this will help limit  illness spreading within the school community.  


With just two weeks before the end of term, it would be a good opportunity to check out the lost property boxes to claim your children's belongings.  Lost property boxes are located:

  • In the hall foyer
  • Under the shelter near the Collaboration Space (Old Canteen)
  • Outside the Beehive
  • Outside the Out of School Hours Care Program


At Ivanhoe Primary School we have four rules to which we all adhere:

  • Care for and respect ourselves and others.
  • Follow the teacher’s instructions immediately.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves.
  • Look after our property.

These are supported by our school values of Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience and Respect.  


These values sit alongside agreed classroom behaviour processes that are developed by your child, their peers, and their classroom teacher. This process is refined and referred to within our classrooms throughout the year.


The emphasis at IPS on behaviour support is based upon one’s responsibilities and accountability, restorative processes and a supporting framework that provides clarity and consistency to all stakeholders. Equally our processes are designed to highlight and acknowledge positive actions.


Attached you will find our updated Behaviour Support document that has been refined to meet both current best practice and the needs of our individual setting. Our staff will be working alongside students to embed this framework to best support the needs of all within our community. 


We make every effort to encourage and support your child to succeed to the very best of their abilities, our vision being: Ivanhoe Primary School encourages the development of the whole student. Our aim is to support learners in becoming curious, reflective and critical in their thinking as global citizens.


We continue to support all students and families to achieve responsible and safe choices in their behaviour and learning. We would appreciate you taking the time to read through the Behaviour Support document attached below and discuss with your child how they best practice and demonstrate our school values.

Thank you for your continued support,


Mark Kent



We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples.