School Council President Report

IPS Council continues to support and oversee activity through various avenues and we thank our executive, administrative and teaching staff for their continued dedication and delivery of positive outcomes.  At the most recent school council meeting on 12 June, matters discussed included:


Strategic Planning: 

While we may only be in June, discussion has already turned to student numbers, staffing levels and budgeting for 2025.  The School continuously seeks both formal and informal feedback to inform its strategic priorities and assess delivery of its annual plan.  There are a number of surveys in progress at present which will extend into term 3 - if you are asked to participate we really appreciate considered feedback to support the process.



We continue to evolve our policy suite to remain compliant with best practice with recent updates to policies relating to Aboriginal Learning, Sun Protection and Child Safety.  Key policies will be made available on our revised website in term 3.



A number of initiatives are well advanced and I look forward to seeing developments in the school's physical environment including new playground equipment and new planting in term 3.


For those wanting further background on the school and its strategic priorities, the 2023 Annual Report (approved by the School Council earlier in the term) is now available on our website:


As always, if you have any question about school council, please email me:


Hamish Wood

School Council President.