2025 Prep Enrolments 

Due by 26th July

If you would like to enrol your child for Prep in 2025, enrolments are OPEN. 

Something new for Mount View Primary school this year is that all parents/carers will need to complete an enrolment application online. There will be no hard paper enrolment copies accepted, as per previous years.


The following enrolment application timeline is as follows: 

  1. Register online, complete and submit your application - Home (educationapps.vic.gov.au)
  2. All enrolment applications are due by 26th July.
  3. Between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024, Primary schools will notify parents and carers in writing of Foundation (Prep) enrolment outcomes, as per the department’s Placement Policy. This may include a letter of offer, a letter confirming enrolment, or an unsuccessful application letter. 
  4. By Friday 23rd August, parents and carers sent a letter of offer need to indicate acceptance of their child’s place by this date.

More information can be found on the Department of Education - Enrolment Information pack for Parents and Carers and our school website. www.mountviewps.vic.edu.au