From the School Leadership Team

P & F Quiz Night
A reminder that our P & F Quiz Night is coming up on Saturday 22 June. This is a great occasion to get some friends together and to enjoy our Golden Grove Lutheran community! Our P & F have worked really hard to put the evening together and we will all have a lot of fun dressing up as heroes and villains.
If you are new to the school, please be reassured we are a very welcoming group and would love to see you there - the Quiz Nights are always great evenings!
There are some great prizes on offer, and a wonderful time is sure to be had by all - be quick to book your tickets as this is one of the marquee events on the school calendar!
DaVinci Decathlon
Well done to the Year 5 and 6 students who travelled to St Peter's Girls' School on Tuesday to compete against 26 other schools from across South Australia in the DaVinci Decathlon. Students enjoyed competing in a range of challenges including drama, coding, mathematics, engineering, Science, and much more! The students both extended their learning as well as enjoying the sense of challenge and making new friends. They were awesome representatives of our school!
Colour Run
We are pleased to be conducting our School Colour Run this Friday, 7 June, 2024. This will be a fun community event and will also give the students an opportunity to enjoy exercise. It has the added benefit of also acting as a fundraiser for the next planned stages of some playground improvements around the school.
Direct donations to the Building Fund can be made via the Qkr! app, or via cash, card or direct debit through the School Office.
All measures have been taken to ensure that this event is safe for all students. Students will run (or walk, or skip!) around a circuit on the school oval. There will be various colour powder stations throughout the circuit with two designated lanes – one for colour powder, the other with no powder. Your child can still participate in the event should you not wish for them to be sprayed with colour powder. It is not a race or a timed event, but all about fun!
Staff and volunteers at the colour stations will do their best to throw the powder at the torsos of participants (between shoulder and hip level), however wind and other factors can occasionally result in students getting some powder in the face from time to time. As such, each child will be provided with a free pair of sunglasses on the day, or alternately you may wish for your child to bring their own eye protection such as sunglasses or goggles and/or a face mask if you wish.
The day will be a casual clothes day for our students. To heighten the effectiveness of the colour powder, we encourage students to wear a white t-shirt, and students are asked to purchase an inexpensive one for the day, or to reuse last year's if this is an option. If you would like to preserve the colour in your child's white t-shirt, you can try spraying it with vinegar, letting it dry and then ironing it. But if you wash it.... the colour eventually will come out!
The colour powder used in the event is non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly consisting of 98% corn starch and 2% food colouring. It will likely wash out of your child’s clothing, and that the loose particles can be brushed off, however we recommend that you consider the possibility of minor staining when selecting your child’s clothing for the day and perhaps consider sending them in some older clothing and shoes. You may also send a change of clothes if you would like your child to change after the event prior to the end of the school day. We would ask that all students catching the school minibus at the end of the day bring a change of clothes. if you are picking your child up by car, you may also wish to bring a towel to cover your car seats.
We welcome parent volunteers to assist with the Colour Run on checkpoints on the course and in other roles. If you are interested in volunteering for the afternoon, please complete the form at this link.
Get ready for a BLAST OF COLOUR and thanks in advance for your support! Happy fundraising! It is our responsibility to seek permission for your child to participate in the School Colour Fun Run.
Please complete the online permission note located on the school website by Thursday 6 June. If you have questions about this activity, please contact the school.
Colin Buchanan Concert
We are super excited to announce that the renowned children's Christian entertainer, Clin Buchanan, will give a concert in our Worship Centre on Saturday 15 June at 3.00pm. Lots of us would know some of Colin's songs including 'Remember the Lord' and '10,9,8, God is Great!'. This is a joint effort between the school and the church and we are pleased to be able to partner in this on the back of successes that we've enjoyed with Messy Church and many other initiatives.
To purchase tickets you can either click on the QR code below or visit the following website
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the term.
- Friday 7 June – Colour Run
- Saturday 15 June - Colin Buchanan Concert
- Saturday 22 June - P & F Quiz Night
Will Wallace
Family Goals
This week Dr Justin Coulson talks about setting family goals. In the past I have spoken about this and how it can help the whole family be on the same page. Keep it simple and check in regularly to stay on target. You may need to adjust at times, but Justin points out that "time" is essential.
Enjoy the read and if you do set some family goals all the best with them and hopefully you reach them.
Tim Kriewaldt
Deputy Principal