Learning News

Learning News Weeks 9-10, Term 2 2024
Learning News
As our term draws to a close, it is time to celebrate the learning achievements of our students. From learning to tie a shoelace, or coming happily through the school gate, to learning a tricky maths concept, there are so many ways the children of St Michael’s can be proud of their growth. The holidays are a perfect time to spend time with your children and use the skills they are learning in a purposeful way. Here are just a few examples of ways you can help at home. Read a recipe and create something delicious for the family to enjoy, watch a movie and recount the plot to someone else and justify whether it was the world’s best or worst movie, go shopping and compare prices to find the best bargain, write a letter to a grandparent, play scrabble, a card game or Monopoly, or make a homemade craft - the list is endless. Most of all, enjoy your time together.
In Mathematics, Kindergarten have been learning about time. We have been learning to read analogue and digital clocks to the hour. With a helpful song, we have been remembering that when reading the time to ‘o’clock’ the long hand sits on the 12 and the short hand points to one other number on the clock.
We worked together to make our own interactive clock in class to practise reading the time and showing times to ‘o’clock’. Great work Kindergarten.
Miss Fraser
Year 1
Year 1 has been learning about what an artist is and how there are all different types such as musicians, actors, sculptures, poets and more. This term we have been focusing on the areas of art & drama. In art, we have been learning about different artists' techniques and have been utilising these in their own artworks such as blending and abstractness. In Drama, we have been learning a short script called ‘Limu the Turtle’. This has given the students an opportunity to learn to follow and read a script, act out their character and use expressive language. Great Work Year 1!
Mrs Gall & Miss Myers.
Year 2
Year 2 have been learning to recognise and describe the chance in everyday events using the terms most likely, possible and less likely. One event we looked at was people coming to our classroom. We thought about who comes to our classroom regularly like teachers, students and teacher’s aides. We discussed the possibility of the Prime Minister or Taylor Swift coming to our school. While it was not likely to happen, it isn’t impossible! We then tallied each time one of these people came to our door and concluded that Mrs Shepherd or other students are most likely to visit our classroom at least once a day.
Great work Year 2!
Year 3/4
In Science, Year 3/4 have been studying different types of materials that are used in our surroundings. They have learnt about flexibility, elasticity and strength of a material. From this, Year 3/4 had to design a bungee jump following a set criteria using a variety of materials. Students had a fantastic time experimenting, modifying their designs and testing their final bungee jumps. Fantastic work Year 3/4!
Miss Maunder.
Year 5
To complete our writing this term, Year 5 has been studying and writing poetry. We read examples of poems from our class text Spotlight by Solli Raphael. These include looking at Limerick, Haiku and Sonnet poems. So let's take this opportunity to read through a collection of some of our fantastic poems! Well done to Year 5 and Happy Holidays!
Mr Beaumont
My Limerick Poem by Jack Kenafick
My favourite sport is Footy
You will always see me in a Tiger's hoodie!
I like to go to the park
Kick the footy till dark
And my pants are always muddy
Haiku: Cost of Living by Beau Fleming
They have gone too far!
They will drive you up the wall
We can’t afford food
Haiku: No Littering! By Eloise Trotter
Stop Littering!
Save sea creatures from dying
Make the right choice!
Year 6
In Maths, Year 6 has been learning to convert length measurements between kilometres and metres. Students have been practising a variety of conversion strategies to then compare lengths and solve problems. Year 6 put these skills to the test in a team race to convert 10 lengths and order them smallest to largest - it was a close finish! Fantastic work Year 6!
Miss Summerell