Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today is the final day of Term 2. Semester One reports have been issued today. All students are to be congratulated on their growth in learning during the first half of the year. Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Week 2 of Term 3. Bookings are now open on the COMPASS App. This week, Year One has completed Interviews, due to Mrs Gall taking leave in the first weeks of Term 3.


Monday July 22 is Pupil Free. Students return to learning at St Michael's on Tuesday July 23 in Winter Uniform. A reminder that black school shoes are required Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Coloured joggers are not part of the school uniform on these days. A calendar of known events for Term 3 can be found in the School Calendar section of this Newsletter. Please note, School Photographs will be taken on Monday August 12. 


Thankyou to all families and friends who supported the St Michael's P&F Pie Drive. This was another successful fundraiser for St Michael's School. Accumulated funds in the P&F account are used for the educational benefit of students at St Michael's. Decisions regarding how the money is spent are made at P&F Meetings. If you would like to be part of this decision making process, P&F meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month during Term  - time and place to be advertised in advance. It would be great to see new faces and hear fresh ideas from interested members of the school and wider community.


We wish all students a safe and happy Semester break. We thank all parents and carers for your continued hard work in supporting your child in their learning at home. 

Take care,
