Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Cosmodome Incursion

On the 27th and 28th May, our Year 7 Science students and Year 10 Physics students had the opportunity to participate in the 'Cosmodome' incursion. This involved a portable planetarium set up in the Auditorium.

Students entered the dome and had the opportunity to learn more about our place in space and what causes various phenomena we experience on Earth.

Year 8 Science

Year 8 Science students have been learning about the digestive system. Here students were testing the conditions that Pepsin works best. It was found that Pepsin works when in an acidic environment. 

Senior Science

Year 10 and 11 science students have been busy preparing for their exams. A reminder to students that study just before the exam is important it is just as important to have a regular study routine throughout the semester, where you review your notes and complete practice questions from previous topics.


Congratulations to our new Science Leaders.

I would like to welcome to the student leadership team the following students.

Year 12 Students:

Adam L and Stephanie M

Year 11 Students:

Anisha R, Celine S and Caitlin W


These students will be working towards awareness around science issues and running events around the school.

Congratulations to these five students and thank you to all the students that applied for this position.

Please find some information about a couple of new leaders below.

Caitlin W.

Hey everyone! I'm Caitlin and I'm a new year 11 science leader for this year, and I can't wait to improve science for everyone at this school! I currently do Chemistry (my favourite!), Physics and unit 3/4 Biology. The Vermont Secondary approach to science is one that allows students from the get go to be exposed to different sciences that sparks their interest, where practicals and teacher demonstrations allow students to be immersed in the wonders of the world. I personally was never exposed to science in primary school, but Vermont had allowed me to find and cultivate my love and understanding for it over the years!

Celine S.

Hi! I'm a year 11 Science Leader for 2024 and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to become one, as this is the first year Vermont's introduced Science Leaders. I'm currently doing Physics, Chemistry and also Biology as an advanced placement. I love how science is all about discovery, learning about what there is in this world, and how we can apply this knowledge for the future! For this reason, I'm very interested in doing a science-based engineering in university, such as Bio-medical engineering. I hope to encourage all science pursuers at Vermont whilst being a leader.


Current happenings in science:

A new exoplanet has been discovered that is called a "super fluffy" cotton candy planet as its density (grams/cubic centimetre) is about the same as cotton candy.

Find out more:


Astronomers Discover New Cotton-Candy Exoplanet: WASP-193b | Sci.News

Gas giant exoplanets around bright nearby stars provide crucial insights into planetary system formation and evolution mechanisms.

Banana themed facts

  1. Did you know that bananas contain radiation? But don't worry because you would have to eat 10 million bananas at once for it to be a problem.
  2. Humans share over 50% of our genetic material with bananas!
  3. Bananas are actually berries!


Program flyer for Australian Synchrotron workshops for years 9-12 students: (Please note: Limited spaces available!)