Principal's Report 

Vermont Secondary College


On Wednesday 29th May, Cara Macfarlane (Acting Assistant Principal) and I were able to attend the yearly North-Eastern Victoria Region Youth Concert, 'Sonic Canvas' at Hamer Hall, which involved many students from across the region, including 23 students representing Vermont Secondary College in a wide range of ensembles.


This annual event featured more than 600 students from primary and secondary schools coming together in a celebration of music and collaboration.


Congratulations to all the students involved as well as our own instrumental music teachers who either directly assisted and/or supported the students in this great evening. Thank you also to Khristian Mizzi, Instrumental Music Coordinator, for his involvement in helping the students attend rehearsals. It was a fantastic evening of highly talented student musicians performing in an outstanding, and sold out, performance space. 


 12/12/1923 - 24/05/2024

As a part of our yearly ANZAC Day commemorations (Ringwood RSL march, Melbourne ANZAC Day march and the ANZAC day assemblies held at the college) and under the ‘adopt an ex-service organisation’ program Vermont Secondary College formed a partnership with the 10th Australian (AIF) Field Ambulance Association in 2014. We have their Honour Roll in our college and a range of memorabilia on display as well as a painting of their President and veteran Ted Young representing the Tenth Field Ambulance Association. 


Ted turned 100 in December 2023 (Born 12/12/1923) but unfortunately after a brief illness passed away on the 24/05/2024. Ted was the proud father of three daughters, ten grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren. I was fortunate enough to attend a celebration of Ted’s 100th birthday in December 2023 as well as a celebration of his life on Monday held at St David’s Uniting Church in Oakleigh followed by a get together in the Oakleigh RSL with a large gathering of family and friends.


Ted spoke each year to our students at our ANZAC Day assemblies about his time during WWII and the true meaning of ANZAC Day. Also on ANZAC Day, following the march, the two School Captains and myself shared a lunch with the members and family of the 10th Australian (AIF) Field Ambulance Association.


Ted was the remaining member of the 10th Australian (AIF) Field Ambulance Association. This relationship is one we will continue to honour.

“Tell all of my family I love them. And tell my friends I have enjoyed their company, and I hope they have enjoyed mine. Thank you. I’ve loved you all.”

Ted at the ANZAC 10th Australian (AIF) Field Ambulance Association luncheon in 2019 with the school captains Kara Morrison & Spencer Macleod-Finke. 


The Department of Education are running a number of Webinars for parents (students welcome) about more pathway options for your child in Years 9 to 12, about the VCE Vocational Major and VET for students.

For full details and links please go to the Pathways section of this newsletter.


As tax time is approaching, parents/guardians are reminded that donations to Vermont Secondary College’s Library Fund and Building Fund are Tax Deductible and the College welcomes donations of any size. 


Direct deposits to: BSB 033 135 Account No: 56-6575, Account Name: Vermont Secondary College. Please use your child’s student code as the identifier.   All money raised is used to enhance facilities for your student/s. Receipts will be forwarded to you for tax purposes.