Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...

Upcoming Whole School Dates


Dates to Remember:

  • Friday 20 September: Prep Performance at Assembly


We would like to remind all families of the importance of ensuring that students arrive at school on time. Recently, we have noticed a significant number of Prep students arriving late to school. 


When students arrive late, it interrupts the flow of lessons and can be unsettling for both the child and their classmates. Additionally, office staff are required to accompany late arrivals to their classrooms, which diverts them from their important duties.


Arriving on time is crucial for helping your child settle into the school day, build good habits, and maximize their learning potential. We kindly ask for your cooperation in ensuring that your child arrives at school by 8:55am each day so that children can get up to Level 5.


Together, we can create an effective and positive learning environment for all students. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. If you have any concerns or need to discuss why you may be finding timely arrivals a challenge, please feel free to reach out to the class teacher or office staff.



Please keep in mind that iPads need to be fully charged every night at home. If they are not fully charged, it can interrupt the learning and activities your child is able to complete.

Year 1



Establishing a solid homework routine can set your child up for great success in their schooling. In Year 1, it is an expectation that our students read 4 nights a week and that it is documented in their student diary. We would like students to bring their diary in daily so that we can check this off.


Every week, we expect our students to complete one Mathseeds lesson. A homework week begins on a Sunday. During the week, students are to complete one lesson. We ask parents to oversee the use of Mathseeds, as we have noticed some students completing more than one.


If you have any questions related to Mathseeds, please email your child's teacher.



In Year 1, using iPads is integral to our student's learning. Please support your child in making sure their iPad comes to school fully charged.  We do not want any child missing out on the educational activities that involve using the devices. 

Year 2



Thank you for your continued support in instilling a strong homework routine for your child. The expectation is 1 lesson of Mathseeds completed a week (Sunday - Saturday). Please remember that Sunday starts the new week. 


The other homework expectation is reading 4 nights for 15 minutes. This is to be written in your child's diary and signed. Diaries should come to school every day.  



It is important that your child's toys and playing cards remain at home and not be brought to school. They can be a distraction to learning and can be lost or broken at break times. We would appreciate your support in making sure your child does not bring toys or playing cards to school.

Year 3


School Attendance

We would like to remind families that we encourage students to arrive at school by 8:45 a.m. This allows them time to prepare for their day, take AR quizzes, and check in with their teacher. Your support in helping your child start each morning ready for success is greatly appreciated.

Year 4



It has been so fantastic to see the Year 4 students bringing their diaries each day so we can see what everyone has been reading each night. Please remember to sign your child's diary so you can also ensure your child has read for 30 minutes each weeknight.


School Socks

We have noticed some students are wearing white or black socks to school recently. Please ensure your child is wearing their uniform correctly by ensuring they have navy blue socks on each day.

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 17 September: Year 5 Travel Expo 
  • Thursday 19 September: Year 5 and 6 District Basketball Gala Day @ MSAC 


Accelerated Reader Targets 

The Year 5 students have until Friday the 13th to complete their AR target for Term 3. Well done to the Year 5 students who have already reached or are very close to reaching their target. The Year 5 teachers would really appreciate the support from families to keep encouraging their child to read during the evenings, so they are able to take a quiz to check for their understanding at school. It has been fantastic to see what the students are reading through their reading diaries.  


Mathletics Homework: 

At SMPS students complete a minimum of 200 points of Mathletics task as their Maths homework. We encourage students to complete this early in the week to create strong work habits in preparation for Year 6 and high school. We appreciate the families supporting their students to complete their maths homework. One student thought of the great idea of setting a Mathletics alarm on their device as a reminder – what a great idea! 

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 12 September: Year 6 Extreme Weather Expo
  • Thursday 19 September: Year 5 and 6 District Basketball Gala Day @ MSAC 



Just a friendly reminder to ensure that homework diaries are signed and to engage in conversations about AR targets and reading progress. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated!