
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

Mufti Day - Tuesday 25th June 

Vinnies Winter Sleepout 


This June, St Francis Xavier will be raising money for the Vinnies Winter Sleepout supported by Anthony Cleary (director of Religious Education).


The Vinnies Community Sleepout aims to shine a spotlight on the issue of homelessness by bringing together community groups to experience a glimpse of “sleeping rough” for one night whilst raising funds and awareness for Vinnies Services and Programs.


Mr Anthony Cleary is giving up his time, warmth and comfort, to gain a deeper understanding of homelessness and raise awareness to help those who are doing it tough. He states: 


'One night isn't a lot, but it can make a whole lot of difference. Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn't have to be that way. This year I'm taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night, I'll be sleeping outside as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness. To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, I need your support. Will you help me to reach my target?’


To raise funds for this important cause, we will be having a mufti day on 25th of June. Any student wearing mufti clothing are to bring in a gold coin donation.


We look forward to working together to raise money for those less fortunate than us and making a difference ! 


Saint Angela Merici 


Charism, the unique spiritual gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit, has the power to transform lives and communities. At St Francis Xavier, we continue in the spirit and values of the Ursuline Order, founded by St Angela Merici.


St Angela Merici, was a famous educator of women from all classes of society in the Renaissance period. She lived in northern Italy and her vision was to serve the needs of the rich and poor alike. Her love and sensitivity to human needs won her title “Madre Angela,” from the people of Brescia, Italy. Angela had a Christ centred approach, basing her work on a deep understanding of God’s love for all, respect for the dignity of each person and their potential in the eyes of God. Her vision for the community of women and girls was Angela’s answer to the needs of the people at that time, where she recognised the gifts of all power of gathering as a loving community.


Angela Merici's most significant contribution was the founding of the Company of St. Ursula in 1535, later known as the Ursulines. This was the first institute for women dedicated to the education of girls. Angela believed that educating girls was essential for the transformation of society. She emphasized the importance of nurturing their spiritual and intellectual growth, which was revolutionary at a time when women's education was largely neglected.


Saint Angela Merici spoke the truth and was dedicated to service. Her life teaches us many valuable lessons and her quotes teach us more about her compassion, dedication and faith. 


“Have faith and keep up your courage” 

St. Angela Merici was orphaned along with her sister. She lived in a time of war, strife and violence as a young girl with no parents to guide or console her. When her sister passed away, she prayed and received her first visions after these prayers, confirming her sister was in heaven and bringing her a powerful peace. 


“Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family” 

Angela held a sincere belief that women had a special place in the world not fully acknowledged by society. She recognised the value of instructing young girls to become devoted to God. Though they had no money or power of their own in society at that time, they could have great influence to elevate family life and transform culture. Angela received a vision in her teenage years, instructing her to establish the first Company of Saint Urstule. Her students learned the faith, virtues, prayer, service to others, and how to follow Christ through the Church and bring Him into family life.


"Without doubt you will see marvelous things if you direct everything to the praise and glory of His Majesty and the good of souls.”

Through the love and piety of St. Angela Merici and her cooperation with God’s grace, the Ursulines became the first group of women to work outside a convent, and the first female teaching Order in the Church. Her legacy lives on today through her timeless wisdom and the Ursulines, now serving the children of God in thirty-six countries around the world. 





At St Francis Xavier, we celebrate the legacy of Saint Angela Merici and strive to embody her spirit of compassion, service, and empowerment in our community.