Principal's News

Mr Brian Anderson


Dear Parents and Friends of St. Francis Xavier,


Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the many community members who have wished me well in my new appointment as the substantive principal of St. Francis Xavier. I am absolutely ecstatic to be leading this thriving Catholic school! We now enter a new era for St. Francis Xavier, where staff and families will continue to work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children in our care.

New School Building

Our new school building continues to progress wonderfully. The two new classrooms will be ready for use at the beginning of August, and the additional playground space plus extra rooms will be a fantastic resource for both staff and children.


Parish News

Last week, we welcomed Father Lewi Barakat to the St. Francis Xavier community. He has already met many of the families, and I am confident Father Lewi will enjoy his time with us. We also pray for Father Richard as he takes his well-earned leave over the next few months.

Upcoming Events

  • Principal Awards Assembly: Please join us for our Principal Awards assembly on Tuesday, 2nd July at 8:50 am in Merici Hall, followed by open classrooms until 10:30 am.
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews: These will be held at the beginning of the week commencing 1st July. Please book your appointment to meet your child's class teacher accordingly. Details will follow soon.
  • Winter Sleepout: Last week, Mr. Anthony Cleary, Director of Mission and Identity, visited our school to discuss the Winter Sleepout for the homeless, which takes place tonight. Anthony will be sleeping out at Martin Place along with other company directors.  Our Mufti Day on 
  • Year 3 Mass We hope our families can join us at our Year 3 class Mass next Friday, 24th June at 9:15 am.

Canberra Excursion

Our children set off this morning for our biannual Canberra overnight excursion. There were many excited boys and girls as they departed. Mr. Criniti will provide regular updates via Compass and social media. Kudos to our staff who are giving up their time to take the children to Canberra. Fewer and fewer primary schools are offering overnight camps, but I believe this is an invaluable experience for our children, one that will continue at St. 

Francis Xavier for many more years to come!


Have a great weekend!
