PBL Update
This week, some of our PBL Team (Positive Behaviors For Learning) travelled to Wagga to work with PBL Teams from other schools and staff from the CEDWW.
We reviewed our journey so far and planned for the coming twelve months.
So far we have:
- Established 3 school values that overarch the entire framework - COMPASSION, RESPECT, and COMMITMENT!
- We have developed a draft matrix of expected behaviors which will be finalized in the coming weeks and shared with families
- Introduced a fortnightly, behavior focus that aligns with our matrix and is explicitly taught and reinforced
- Developed a series of lessons to teach expected behaviours
- Introduced a "Gotcha" system designed to reward students demonstrating the expected behaviour
- Staff will work with the CEDWW Evangelization Team in the coming weeks to attach scripture passages to our school values
- Staff have workshopped the three values at staff meetings and how they relate to how we undertake our roles
- Introduced a minors and majors behavior system n COMPASS that supports staff to document and respond to behavior concerns
- Soon, you will see beautiful PBL signage about our school!
In 2025 we will work towards:
- Introducing a new merit award system that aligns with our three school values
- Design a whole school visible reward system that captures the positive behaviors of all
- Review how we respond to major and minor behaviors and begin developing a new SJJU Behaviour Procedure in consultation with students, staff, parents and carers
- Provide professional development for staff on the 8 effective classroom management strategies
We are excited about the impact PBL is having at SJJU, our data shows an increase in students having the skills to demonstrate SJJU's expected behaviours.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Simone Maloney