Welcome back!

Welcome to Term 4! Looking ahead, we have a very full 9-week term, which includes HSC exams, a Fun Run, day trips and excursions, Kindy Play Days, Orientation and Step-up activities, Twilight Carols, a Kapooka concert and celebration events which all lead up to Christmas and the summer holiday break. This term we are focussing on two of our values, Service and Hope. Over the next few weeks, we are looking at what Service means, and ending with the College Fun Run on Friday 1 November. From there we will look at Hope, which leads up to Christmas and the hope we have in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As we start the term and the weather is warming up, we are changing over to the summer uniform. All students will need to be in full summer uniform by the end of Week 2 and wear their hats every day. If you need to purchase new items, please see the uniform shop hours here at the College or head to Lowes on Baylis Street as they are having a 20% off sale on school uniforms from Thursday 17 to Saturday 19 October.
HSC Exams
Year 12 students commenced their exams today and will finish on Thursday 7 November. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for, and face each exam. We look forward to celebrating with them at their Formal Dinner and Presentation Evening later in the term, once they have finished.
Fun Run
Information has been sent home early this week about the College Fun Run which is being held in Week 3. The money raised will go to support building classrooms for Mission Samburu. Home (missionsamburu.org) We hope as many people as possible can get involved, enjoy the afternoon activities and support this very worthy cause.
These are just a few of the activities we have planned this term. Please keep your eye out for more details regarding the upcoming events as they get closer. Thank you for partnering with us as we work together to finish 2024 well.
Please join us in praying for Mrs Dumicich and her family as they grieve the loss of her mother during the holiday break. Mrs Dumicich is on leave this week and will return to the College next week.
Mrs Alesha Alcorn & Ms Catherine Clarke
(Head of Primary & Secondary Schools)
"Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves."
Romans 12:10