Learning & Teaching

Year 5/6 News
Over the last three weeks, the Year Sixes have been attending Sailing lessons on Friday at Albert Park Lake. During our first lesson we learnt the basics of Sailing and then hopped onto the water where we were towed around the lake, practised standing up in the boat and made our way back to the dock without a sail.
Back at the dock we learnt how to attach our sails to the boat. Following this, our instructor asked us to do figure eights around the buoys in the water. We attempted to complete the course, however some people went off track and ended up further away from the buoys than was instructed, some of us even ended up capsizing! Due to our inexperience a lot of the boats had to go at half mast, although we were ready for our second lesson.
During our second lesson, everyone was able to successfully assemble the boats without any assistance. Following this, we were able to complete the figure eights with ease and conquered the challenge of the previous week. Some of us even sailed by ourselves! At the end the lesson we played ball tiggy, in which the person who starts with the ball is ‘it’ and they need to sail to other boats and throw the ball into their boat to make them ‘it’. At the conclusion of the game, the team that ends up with the ball loses, although we all felt like winners with our improved sailing skills.
We can’t wait for our next lessons!
Year 1 Olden Days
As part of their Inquiry Unit, "Looking Forward, Looking Back," the Year 1 students have been delving into the past to consider how things have changed over time and throughout generations. They have been looking at family and school life, and how some aspects have changed and some have remained the same. The students have also been exploring changes in toys, communication, transport and housing. Last Friday they immersed themselves in the past with an Olden Days experience. The students dressed up and participated in olden day games.
Public Speaking Program
This term, all students in Prep-6 will be focusing on developing public speaking skills. The skills taught and learnt relate to the English: Speaking and Listening curriculum. Students will plan and rehearse their presentation on a topic of their choice in the next few weeks. They will learn how to use appropriate volume and pace, articulation, body language, gestures and eye contact. Students will be delivering their speech presentation to an audience consisting of teachers, peers and parents in Week 7, November 18 - November 22.
Public Speaking presentations will be held on the following days and times:
Year Level | Day/Time/Venue |
Prep | Tuesday 19 November, 2:00pm, MPR |
Year 1 | Tuesday 19 November, 11:25am, Year 1 Classrooms |
Year 2 | Monday 18 November, 9:00am, Year 2 Classrooms |
Year 3 | Tuesday 19 November, 9:00am, Year 3 Classrooms |
Year 4 | Thursday 21 November, 11:15am, MPR |
Year 5/6 | Tuesday 19 November, 9:00am, MPR |
More details will be communicated to parents by classroom teachers in the next few weeks.