Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


I heard it again the other day, I had almost forgotten. Once the Melbourne Cup long weekend has been celebrated, the year just disappears! It really does just fly, from here on in. 


Speaking of flying. Aren’t Bats fascinating creatures? This struck me the other night when I went out and about, on a bike of all things (for the first time in a little while). The only flying mammal (sorry to the flying squirrel who apparently doesn’t count as it only ‘glides’ for short distances). Flying at night, hanging from trees, sleeping during the day. Perhaps, this was some of us, last weekend (or maybe we wanted to do this) after the long weekend. I hope that it wasn’t just me, but I could really get used to the ‘four day weekend’. Beginning the working week on a Wednesday was a rather odd experience. Firstly, I didn’t have to put the bins out the night before work and secondly, Friday was here before I knew it. 


Bats may be small, but they’re fast little creatures. They get through Monday to Friday at breakneck speed. So too, do our youngest, soon to be Prep children for 2025. They tore their way into our school grounds over the last two weeks, racing through their Transition sessions with relative ease. Only one more session to go and they will be ready for ‘real’ school. Our Year Six children have sailed speedily along Albert Park Lake, the last two Fridays, as part of their Sailing program and our Year One children attempted to move quickly last Friday, but try as they might, they were stopped in their tracks by their ‘Olden Day’ teachers. Fun and noise were out, stillness and attention were in, as these boys and girls found out what life really was like, back in the good old days. Yesterday, some of our Year Three children were involved in a promotional photo for Tennis Australia and Weetbix. The balls were flying, racquets were swinging, keep an eye out for some children you may know as the summer of tennis ramps up. It has been a hectic and fast paced couple of weeks here at Sacred Heart Kew. 


As we come to the end of Term Four Week Five, some stillness and reflection will enter our lives, as we pause for Remembrance Day this coming Monday. Our Year Two children will lead us in our commemoration at the Cenotaph, beginning at 10.45am. All families are welcome to join us as we remember all the men and women who have gone before us, giving their lives, protecting our nation, so that we may all live in freedom and peace today. We look forward to gathering as a whole school community for this important and special day. 


Wishing everyone a lovely and ‘quieter’ weekend.    


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal