
Remembrance Day - November 11
The Pledge of Remembrance (Rupert McCall)
Australian soldiers – hear this pledge – your flag flies in the sun
And now we take a minute to remember what you’ve done
When you went away to battle, you were proud as proud can be
And you did it for your country, yes, you flew the flag for me
Now we live our life with freedom when we work and when we play
For that, my heart says ‘Thank you’ on this very special day
And as we go, we take the words that sing Australia’s song
“I am young and I am worthy, I am brave and I am strong
In the face of any challenge, I will strive to rise above
I deserve this opportunity to live, to learn, to love
I can truly make a difference; my path is up to me
And this is my commitment – be the best that I can be.”
Our Acknowledgment of Country
We acknowledge that we learn, grow, create and celebrate on Wurundjeri Country.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
We are grateful for the opportunity to share the glorious land, sky, waterways, and wonderful wildlife with the traditional owners.
Exploring Country brings us joy, happiness and peace.
We will continue our connection with Country through respectful play, by caring for our community and the environment and engaging in learning that challenges injustice and leads change.