Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: Students are to continue to work on number facts (times tables). You may like to create flash cards or use an app to help with this.
Inquiry: Have a conversation with your child about what significant world events impacted your family history and why?
Classroom requirements: Please ensure your child has working headphones and a keyboard. The iPad keyboard will be important in the development of keyboard skills which will be part of their class learning. The headphones will be regularly used in class for a variety of purposes. Again, thank you for helping with this.
Both items are a requirement for Year 5s to complete NAPLAN.
Naplan 2025
Dear parents and carers,
Our year 5 students will complete the Naplan tests in the upcoming week.
The dates are as follows –
Naplan Writing – Wednesday 12th March at 11:15am
Naplan Reading – Thursday 13th March at 9:15am
Naplan Conventions of Language (spelling and grammar/punctuation) – Friday 14th March at 9:15am
Naplan Numeracy – Monday 17th March at 9:15am
From Tuesday 18th March until Thursday 20th March catch-up tests will be permitted.
Some early preparation includes downloading the NAP app and ensuring keyboards and headphones work and are brought to school each day.
Please find a link to understanding more about Naplan -
(There is also a simple version) -
If you would like to discuss Naplan please see myself, and/or your class teacher.
Kind Regards,
Tim Kriewaldt
Current and Upcoming Learning
Reader’s Workshop: Students continue to build their reading stamina and participating in reading conferences with the intention to create goals for their reading. They continue to look at a variety of texts to further develop their comprehension of the information. Students will upload a video or audio of their reading. Please take opportunities to listen to students read out loud and encourage them to read with expression.
Writer’s Workshop: Students have been exploring various techniques for writing persuasive texts, including orally presenting their arguments before writing down their ideas. They will complete a task in which they have 5 minutes for planning and 35 minutes for writing a persuasive text.
Mathematics: Students have been working heavily with number this term. They continue to recap some of the topics they have learned last year. For Yr 5s, this is revision for NAPLAN and preparing for the learning that is coming. For the Year 6s, this is revision and preparation of the learning this year.
Inquiry: The Central Idea for our new unit of inquiry is, ‘The identity of society is shaped by history’. The lines of inquiry are:
Significant events in history
- Impact of change
- Australian exploration
We began by exploring what students consider to be the 10 most significant events in world history. Students then selected their top two events to research further, focusing on how they impacted the world and Australia. It would be wonderful to continue discussions with your child about these events and their lasting impact. Did any of these events have an influence on your family history?
School Calendar:
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Jade Fielke
Jayne Zadow