Around the School

Assembly Roster - Term 1

Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre. 


Classes presenting at assembly this term are: 

DateWeekAssembly sharing
10/37Adelaide Cup Day
17/381/2AK, 3/4SN
24/39Harmony Day Assembly - 9.00am 
7/411PE Specialist, Foundation, TK award

Chapel will take place each Friday, commencing at 8.50am in the Worship Centre. 

P&F Volunteering Flyer

Sports Day Volunteers








Harmony Day

GGLPS will celebrate Harmony Day on Monday, March 24th. This is a day when we acknowledge and celebrate the diversity within our school and that our school is a place where all our children belong. Children are invited to wear clothing from their family culture. If students wish, they may bring casual clothes to play in following the morning event. We are just working through how we can meet in the Worship Centre for Worship followed by a parade. More information will be released close to the date. 

Foundation Welcome Night







Sports Day Sausage Sizzle


Endeavour College Open Day

We are excited to open the doors and welcome you to our College. 

Meet our Principal, Mr Richard Baird as he outlines just what it means to be part of our community. Tour our amazing facilities with state-of-the-art learning spaces, provided by our very own out-of-the-box-thinkers – our students.

When: Sunday, March 30

              1:30pm - 4:00pm

Where: Endeavour College

Register here: Open Day Sunday 30 March - Endeavour College

ALWS Walk my Way 

This year is the 75th Year that Australian Lutheran World Service is running the ‘walk my way’ campaign. This is an opportunity to walk like children do in poorer countries to access food, water and schooling. All money goes towards supporting young people across the world to have a better life. We are fortunate enough this year to have an event held in Adelaide itself. There is a 3km route and a 10km route that you can register to complete as an individual or as part of a team. 


Date: Saturday 3rd May

Place: Begins in North Adelaide at Australian Lutheran College

Time: Registrations open @ 8:30am (Walk departs @ 10am)


We have got a Golden Grove Community Team that we will walk together as. This is a great opportunity to come together as a church and school community. The team page is below: