Just A Thought:

Tiny Thoughts


If your goal is to lead a life without negative emotions, number one, you won’t be successful. They’re a part of how we operate. 

Number two, that is an undesirable goal because those negative emotions we experience serve a function. They’re really good for us when they’re experienced in the right proportions.

Ethan Kross

Nate Dickson Thinks...

Accept graciously, let go easily.

In high school, my choir teacher once told us.

“People are going to come up to you and tell you that you did a good job on a solo or in

a choir. It's tempting to say something like 'oh, it wasn't that good', or in some way

diminish their praise.

“Don't do that. Just say 'thank you' clearly and genuinely, and leave it at that.”


That advice is a good 30 years old now and still valuable. I found that Marcus Aurelius had

similar advice:

Accept graciously, let go easily. 

(Meditations, Notebook 8§33, as translated by Robin Waterfield)

(PS - I purchased this book on Amazon - Ash.)


Combining the advice of a Roman emperor and a high school choir teacher emphasises

what's important in the dynamic. The praise doesn't matter. What matters is the interaction with another human being. We should be genuine and gracious because that person's feelings matter.


But once we've accepted graciously, it's time to let go easily. This is true of gifts, praise, or whatever else someone might give us. 

The person is important; whatever they've given us, less so.