P & F News

Hello St. Fidelis' families. We are now in full swing into Term 1 and the P&F committee are excited to get rolling with our upcoming events and activities. Please read on for all your need-to-know information. Thank you.
Upcoming Events
Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each
St. Fidelis Community Fete Day – Sunday 23rd March, 11.30 am – 4 pm
P&F Meeting – Tuesday 11th March, 7.30 pm staffroom
Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea (Bakers Delight) – Wednesday 2nd April
Hot Cross Bun Drive (The Village Bakery) – Delivery Thursday, 3rd April
Mother’s Day Breakfast – Thursday 8th May
Icy Pole Fridays
Every Friday during Term 1, students can purchase a ZOOPER DOOPER at the beginning of lunch for $1. With the warmer weather, this fundraiser is a student favourite. Thank you in advance for your support with this event!
Uniform Stall AND 2nd Hand Uniform Donations
We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:
- Are in acceptable condition with no fading, missing logos or stains.
- Have a school logo or are PSW labelled; therefore, no Kmart/Target/etc. purchases.
- They are in a clean condition.
Please place your items in a bag and hand them to the school office for donation—many thanks.
St. Fidelis' Community Fete Day
Save the date – on Sunday, 23rd March, from 11:30am – 4pm, we are hosting a Community Open Day. Like the event we ran in 2024, there will be food/drinks, market stalls, children’s activities, school tours and much more. Closer to the day we may ask for some parent assistance to run specific activities, such as the BBQ, so please pencil this date into your planners.
Our 2024 likewise event was very successful. It provided the school with an ample injection of funds, but most importantly, it brought our school community, along with our extended community, together, with so much fun and positivity.
The P&F committee are looking forward to hosting this event; please reach out if you would like to assist, if you have a stall you would like to run or if you are able to source donations for our raffle. Many thanks!
THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!
Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, can provide goods/services for use in fundraising events, or if you would like to join our team, please contact:
TARA SOARES – 0419 587 725 tarasoares7@gmail.com