Student Engagement
Bianka, Vicky & Vira
Student Engagement
Bianka, Vicky & Vira
In Accordance with the Education Training and Reform Act 2006 (Vic.) (the Act) and the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic.), school attendance is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6 to 17 years unless an exemption from attendance has been granted for absence and Exemption from School Attendance or Enrolment, Department of Education and Training (DET), 2021).
Whilst ensuring student attendance at school is a legal obligation of parents/guardians/carers, supporting students to attend school each day is the shared responsibility of all parents/guardians/carers, students, the school and the wider community.
Parents are legally required to ensure their child attends school every day and to provide an approved explanation for their child's absence from school unless an exemption from attendance has been granted or an exception to their attendance applies. Absences that, in general are approved include (but are not limited to)
We know that daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives.
If you are having any difficulty getting your child to school or would like support in any way, please do not hesitate to contact our our School Wellbeing Leaders:
Year F-2 Ms Vicky Karalis
Year 3-6 Ms Bianka Zorzut
Learning Diversity leader: Ms Vira Pirrotta,
Principal Ms Manuela Watson:
All absences are to be sent on the day before 8:30am via:
Thank you for your support with this request.
Why Attendance at School Matters
Did you know? Missing just one school day per fortnight adds to nearly four weeks of lost learning each year. Throughout a child’s education, this can significantly impact their progress and confidence. Attending school regularly allows students to develop key skills, build trust, and reach their full potential as learners.
Prioritising attendance is essential.
Regular school attendance is essential for your child's academic and social success. Each day of learning builds upon the last, creating a strong foundation for future growth. Consistent attendance helps students establish routines and take full advantage of learning opportunities, ensuring they stay on track for success.
Beyond academics, regular attendance helps students connect with their peers and teachers, fostering a sense of belonging within the school community. These relationships create vital support networks that enhance the overall learning experience.
Early intervention is key if a child struggles with attendance. Open communication between families and the school allows us to provide support and strategies to help students feel safe, engaged, and ready to learn.
By working together, we can ensure your child receives the support they need to attend school daily and thrive. Please contact your child’s teacher, the Learning Diversity Leader, or the Wellbeing Leader for support.
Below is more information about School Attendance: