Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

           Gracious God, 

Thank you for this day and the opportunities ahead. 

I am so grateful for your love and guidance. 

Give me the strength to face any challenges with peace and grace, 

showing kindness and patience toward others. 


Engaging in prayer:

Thank you to 5/6MC for leading us in prayer last Friday. Throughout this celebration, the children engaged in writing the prayers of the faithful and taking part in scripture readings and liturgical songs. We invite all parents and carers to attend these special celebrations.

Buddy Mass:

Our Year 5/6/Foundation Buddy Mass will take place on Sunday 2nd of March at 11.00 am at St Fidelis church.  This is an excellent opportunity for our new and existing foundation families to come together and celebrate the beginning of their children's faith journey. 



Our Year 3 children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  This Sacrament is also known as the Sacrament of Confession, which was instituted by Jesus in his love and mercy to offer forgiveness for the times we have made poor choices.  The Year 3 parents and carers are invited to attend an online workshop on Thursday 6th of March at 7.00 pm.   This event will be facilitated by Maria Forde.  


Reconciliation Retreat Day:

In celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation all Year 3 children will have the opportunity to participate in a Retreat Day on Monday the 17th March at St Fidelis school.  Annette Gasbarro will facilitate the day.  Further information will be discussed during our online Reconciliation workshop.


Reconciliation Celebration:

The Reconciliation Celebration will occur on Thursday 20th of March at 6.00 pm at St Fidelis church.


God bless, and have a great week.

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader.




Positions Vacant

Brunswick Moreland Catholic Community is seeking a Stewardship Coordinator/Finance Coordinator. This is a 0.6 Full-Time Equivalent position. The person will work closely with Fr. Brendan, the Parish Staff, and the BMCC Stewardship Council to oversee the finances and physical resources of the Parishes. This is a great opportunity to be part of a growing team in a supportive environment, directing our resources to the mission of the Brunswick Moreland Catholic Community.


Further details can be obtained from Fr. Brendan or the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Human Resources Team. 
