Years 11 & 12 Sub School

Assistant Principal's Report
The start of 2025 has begun busy as always in Senior School.
It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at our VCE information night as students enter or continue in their VCE studies. Our students were excited and enthusiastic in their return to school assemblies and it was fantastic seeing them back ready for another jam packed year both academically and in their extra curricular activities.
We have welcomed the Year 11s into the VCE space, where they have embraced the study centre, many getting in early or staying late, along with the Year 12s.
Year 12 camp was a huge success. Getting down to the camp on the Thursday enabled me to witness the well thought out and impactful staff sessions that were ran on topics such as careers, time management, study skills, English, thinking styles and wellbeing, along with yoga and Zumba classes. All students were engaged, questioning, learning and enjoying the social side of camp. It was a lovely final camp for the year level. I would like to extend my thanks to the Year 12 team who facilitated and organised the camp and the teachers for enabling this wonderful camp to go ahead.
Our senior students have also started the Resilience Project in their wellbeing classes once a fortnight, continually building the connection with their homegroup/wellbeing teacher. After a great turn out from the senior students at swimming and a fantastic participation, we are looking forward to similar at the athletics carnival later this term.
Finally, I encourage all parents and carers to attend their students conferences in the last week of term 1 to continue the collaboration of home and school through our students VCE journey.
Kate Nicholls
Assistant Principal
Year 11
Taking your first steps into the VCE can be exciting, daunting, hopeful, overwhelming and joyous. Our Year 11’s have experienced all of these emotions and many more over the last 5 weeks! They have embraced the Year 11 wellbeing program that builds on from the work they did with the Resilience Project in Year 10, focussing on the importance of resilience, goal setting and having grit. It’s been great to see them drawing upon these skills as they navigate their first rounds of SACs and assessment tasks!
It has been wonderful to see so many students taking advantage of the VCE Study Space for quiet study or to check in with their Year Level Leaders, Ms Pattison and Ms Trujillo. It’s also fantastic to see that the students are being respectful of their peers and teachers by keeping the space neat and tidy so everyone can enjoy it.
There were some terrific Year 11 ‘As Seen on TV’ costumes at the Swimming Carnival and we look forward to seeing what they come up with for the Athletics Carnival! We are looking forward to the Success Integrated Study Skills Seminar coming up on Monday 17th of March during our wellbeing period and our exciting new Year 11 Wellbeing Day on the 31st of March. Please keep an eye on Compass Newsfeeds with more information to come!
Claire Tudor
Year 11 & 12 Student Engagement & Wellbeing Leader
Year 12
What a great start to the year for the Class of 2025! It has been a busy few weeks with the Year 12s as we headed to Federation University in Ballarat for our annual study retreat. The 12s completed a variety of sessions designed to assist them throughout the year. These included, Zumba, Yoga, Study skills, Wellbeing, Careers, English skills, Thinking and learning skills, Team building, What is VCE and Time management.
The camp was well supported by Year 12 teachers and ES staff who worked incredibly hard to provide information and skills to the students. Op Shop formal night was a highlight and out came the clothing from past decades. This year we introduced a mass Zumba class to finish the retreat with and it was brilliant. The 12s brought all the energy for a fun activity involving the whole cohort.
Swimming sports were next and this year saw the most Year 12s swimming in events than we have seen in a very very long time. The costumes and positive nature of the students was wonderful and they had a great day.
On March 3rd during Wellbeing we had Sonya Karras in, who has been speaking to the 12s at MGC for around 13 years. She is engaging, fun and delivers great messages around being safe whilst having a good time. We enjoyed welcoming her back to MGC for 2025.
Now the flurry of the first four weeks has quietened down, the 12s are settling into regular study and class routines. We are nearly through the first half of term one and this year will fly by.
Well done Year 12 on a fantastic start to your Year 12 journey. Your enthusiasm, engagement and effort is a credit to you all 😊
Leigh Hanley & Tonia Douglas – Scarfe
Year 12 Leaders