MGC Parents’ Association News

MGCPA Calendar Tuesday 11th March PA meeting at 6:30pm, MGC Staff Room On behalf of the MGC Parents’ Association executive committee, welcome back for another exciting school year! We’re especially thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all the new parents and carers joining our MGC community.
The MGC Parents’ Association plays a valuable role in our students’ educational experience. Fundraising activities build connections and community, and contribute to the operations of the College, expanding opportunities for our students.
The MGC Parents’ Association meet once a month at the College to connect, develop ideas and plan. Opportunities to volunteer for the MGC Parents’ Association are as diverse as the College itself. Parents and carers can become involved by:
Becoming a Year Level Ambassador
- Participating in the subgroups (grants, promotions, finance etc)
- Attending and supporting a variety of Parent’s Association events – Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts, Parents’ Association Raffle, Parent Social Nights, and Coffee Catch Ups.
Being involved through our monthly meetings is a great avenue to establish friendships with other parents, to have some input into PA decision making, to ask questions, to volunteer for fundraising and social activities and to connect the community members with each other and the school. Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, future dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar.
2025 Parents’ Association Grants Scheme
Thank you to Staff and Students who submitted applications for our Annual Grants Scheme in 2024. There were some wonderful submissions and the Parent’s Association notified the successful candidates.
For those new to the school and unfamiliar with the Parents’ Association Grants Scheme, the generous financial donations we receive from families through fundraising and the school contributions enables the PA the ability to offer teaching staff and student groups the chance to apply for funding for ‘extra’ opportunities. These grants benefit students within the school where these programs or equipment could not readily go ahead or be purchased without assistance from the PA. Recent grants have contributed to: Waste reduction equipment; French Dictionaries; Rowing equipment; Outdoor Education waterproof jackets & gaiters; STEAM Robots & Heat Press; Bass Clarinet for music program; and Digital SLR cameras for Visual Arts.
MGC Year Level Social Events
The Parent Association Year Level Ambassadors aim to host social events for each level throughout the term. Our popular coffee mornings are always well received by families. Please keep an eye on Compass for more information regarding these events.
Join Us Next meeting - Tuesday 11th March at 6:30pm
New members are always welcome. Email us to add your contact details to the PA mailing list or if you would like to be included in your child’s year level group correspondence, please email your details along with the year levels you’d like to be included in.
Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar. Meetings are run in the MGC Staff room on the ground floor, close to the Main Reception entry. Take notice of parking restrictions as a section of the on-street parking permit zones after hours.
We look forward to meeting you. Contact