College Policy Reminders

Annual privacy reminder for our school community
Our college collects and uses student and parent and carer personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn.
We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365, please contact the college.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ privacy policy: information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Dari
- Gujarati
- Mandarin
- Somali
- Sudanese
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Child Safety and Wellbeing at Melbourne Girls’ College
Melbourne Girls’ College is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety framework explains how we support and maintain child safety and wellbeing at Melbourne Girls’ College. It includes our:
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Reporting and Responding Obligations Procedures, and
Child Safety Code of Conduct, which outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for all staff and volunteers at our school.
Our students and families are important partners in providing a child safe environment. These regular newsletter reminders are one of the ways we ensure our school community is aware of:
our commitment to child safety, and
how to provide feedback or raise child safety concerns.
If you have any concerns about child safety at any time, please contact Melbourne Girls’ College on 9428 8955. Any child safety complaints or concerns are treated seriously. For more information about our school’s complaints process, see our Complaints Policy.
We also welcome your ideas on ways we can improve our approach to child safety and wellbeing. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Melbourne Girls’ College on 9428 8955 or at
Before And After School Supervision Parent Notification
Student safety at Melbourne Girls’ College is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
Before school: School grounds are supervised by school staff from 8:30am every school day. School staff will not be available to supervise students prior to this time unless specific arrangements have been made by a staff member.
After school: School grounds are supervised until 4:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and until 3.30pm on Thursday and Friday. Outside of these hours, school staff will not be available to supervise students unless specific arrangements have been made by a staff member.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school program or supervised extracurricular activity).
Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school, or a pre-arranged supervised activity.
Families are encouraged to contact the school on 9428 8955 if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.
For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy contact the school office. This policy includes the Melbourne Girls’ College student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.