Year 5 News

We’ve been learning new things and had our first assembly with all the grade fives and our teachers. At our first year level assembly we all talked about all the cool things we are excited for this new year.
SWELL Week - by Jack, Ariel and Rafael
During SWELL Week in 5BR we discovered more about our old friends and learned about our newest friend Nicky. We discussed our rights and responsibilities, as well as our school Reskeys - Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We created work to show our classmates about us. We crafted unique passports about ourselves and where we come from. We carefully followed instructions to make a bioglyph to show our class about ourselves. We made a shield of honour using the things we love. All because of SWELL week we are now ready for year 5.
Prayer Cloth and school theme
This year’s school theme is “Step Up”. In 5BR we used this theme to create a prayer cloth with all our footprints on it that we designed ourselves.
The Resilience Project - by Ella, Hazel and Malise
In 5BR, in the Resilience Project, we have been learning about emotions. We did this activity that had cards upside down and each of us picked a card and it had an emotion on it and we told a time when we felt this emotion - so if I got happy, I would tell something about when I was happy. The next week we brainstormed words to describe happiness and talked about what being happy means to us.
Healthy and unhealthy habits are something else we learnt about in the Resilience Project. We looked at some unhealthy habits and what they can do to your body and what you can do to stop unhealthy habits. Some of the unhealthy habits are - going on the device for too long, or eating lollies instead of vegetables and fruits.
Healthy habits are something else we learned in the Resilience Project. We use good habits to be happy and healthy. We learned about how it makes us happy doing what we like and getting into healthy habits and practicing them everyday.
We have also been learning about G.E.M, which means gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. We have been learning about how to appreciate what we have and how to be mindful and in the moment.
In Year 5 CB we have been very busy so far enjoying our friends old and new. We welcomed a new student to our class Marlisa and hope she enjoys being at our school.
Prayer Cloth
One of the many things we have done and all the other classes is our prayer cloth. Each year we make a new prayer cloth to show our new theme for the year. We coloured in our footprints and Mrs Barwick, our amazing teacher, wrote the new theme title for 2025 “Step up”. Emily brought the prayer cloth up to the altar at our school beginning mass and Fr Brian blessed it. This will now go onto our prayer table in our classroom.
On the first day, we could choose our own places to sit, and then we did a word search that had all the names of students in 5CB. The people who finished in time won!
Then we got our own reading diaries! We also got our work sheet folders, our retrieval practice books and a big paper book that we use for art meditation. Everyone could decorate theirs in their own way. We also made paper passports which had our names, where we were born and what languages we speak at home. It also had the same thing for our parents and then we had to draw out families.
This day was very exciting! By Elpida and Amilia
Inter School Sport
Last week during cricket Wallarano were our first opponents. They came on a Bus ready to have fun together.
During the game Wallarano won the bat toss and chose to bowl first. The Year 6’s batted first and then the Year 5's. Next it was Wallarano's turn to bat and they got more runs than us. In the end Wallarano won and we did a good job for our first match.
Yesterday we had a game at Keysborough Primary School. We got our equipment and went there by bus. At Keysborough Primary School, we lost the bat toss and chose to bat first. We had very good bowlers on our team. We managed to get a few wickets at the start. Team was doing great. I finally had hope that we were going to win. After all of their players had batted it was our turn to bat. Year sixes battered first. Bang! The Year 6's hit it to the moon, well not actually but very far. In the end of a fun game Resurrection won the game and we did ‘gg’s to all their players. By Jarryd and Lenny
Hot Shot Tennis
We have had two games with other schools, Wallarano and Keysborough Primary School. We have also had three training sessions so far in our inter school sports practice lessons. Sometimes we have home games and other times we have away games. At our first session we got put into groups. Jonah is in group 1, Olive is in group 2 there are 4 groups. Mrs Barwick is our coach. We all had fun even if we didn’t win. By Olive and Jonah
In Interschool sports we have been given an exciting sport to play and practice. Yes, mine and Leilla’s sport is softball. In softball we practice for amazing matches against other competitive schools. That's definitely right, we do compete against other schools, and so far we already versed Wallarano and Keysborough Primary School! We all have fun during these matches!
The team that we are going to versus next week is going to be Saint Anthony's Noble Park. The week after next week we will be versing Noble park. It will be a hard game so we need to be ready. The days that we practice are Tuesday’s, we practice our fielding and batting, we also practice throwing and catching as well. WE will be sure to practice a lot and be ready. by Roy and Leilla
First Aid
In the first aid course we learnt about the DRSABCD, and what it stands for. We also learned about the safety position and CPR. We learned about the defibrillator and how to use it. Paige taught us how to speak to the emergency services and what to tell them. We learned that the DRSABCD stands for Danger, Response, Send, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation. We learnt that the first aid kit is used for Injuries. We learnt that if you're a big kid or a grown up you use 2 hands and for small kids we use one hand and for babies you use 2 fingers. The safety position is when you tilt them over and make them do the safety dab. By Owen and Malakai