Child Safety
Our highest priority
Child Safety
Our highest priority
This term we will be working with our student leaders and guiding them through our Child Safe Policy. We make sure children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously in all child safety matters.
Just a friendly reminder that Resurrection School and Parish has three driveways. Families can use Entry 1 and 2 between 9:00am - 3:00pm and after 4:00pm. Families can not use Entry 3 at any time. Entry 1 and 2 can not be used for school drop off and pick up.
Using the wrong driveway and carparks is causing a safety issue for students and can not continue. The safest place to park your car is next to the oval off Loxwood Avenue.
We have noticed a council parking inspector in the area. Please make sure you are obeying all road signs to avoid a possible parking fine.
If you ever wish to discuss anything relating to Child Safety, please contact our Child Safety Officer Danielle Rowley