Dear Families,
We have had another wonderful week of learning in Prep! Here’s what we have been working on:
This week, we met Ben the Bear to help us learn the /b/ sound and Harry the Hippo to help us learn the /h/ sound. We have been practising handwriting for these letters and listening carefully to words that begin with these sounds. Can you find anything at home that starts with /b/ or /h/?
Excitingly, we have now met all the Stage 1 characters and can sound out three-letter words like mat, sat, fat, pit, sit, fit, sip, tip, cat. It’s been great to see students blending these sounds to read simple words!
We have been exploring different Maths games to help us become familiar with Maths equipment and develop our reasoning skills. We are learning to explain our thinking, an important part of problem-solving.
We have also been practising writing the number 4 using the saying:"Make an L and cut it in half."
We have continued learning about school rules and have been using the sock puppets we made to act out different scenarios. This has helped us think about the right choices to make in different situations.
We have enjoyed another coaching session with our Year 5/6 students. This week we practised bouncing and catching.
Homework & Library:
A friendly reminder that homework is due back next Wednesday, along with Library books. Each student has a school satchel to keep their library books and homework in. We are now calling this our "satchel routine", with students returning them every Wednesday.
Hats are still required during outdoor play. Please ensure your child brings their hat every day.
This is our first full week of school!
Assembly: Every Friday we have assembly.
Term 1 & 4: 9:00 - 9:30 am
Term 2 & 3: 3:00 - 3:30 pm
Parents are welcome to join, but students are required to sit with their class and teacher.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to another great week ahead!
The Prep Team