Useful Links

BHNPS Online Uniform Shop
Our Online Uniform Shop stocks all items of uniform, bags and accessories. Simply purchase your item via the online shop using your debit or credit card via Paypal, and the uniform will sent home through your child’s classroom. (The online uniform shop can also be accessed through our Website under the tab of current parents). Our uniform shop will also be open on site EVERY FRIDAY MORNING 8.30-9am. If you are seeking 2nd hand items, please contact Trish and Sarah at the office on 9890 5023.
Classroom Cuisine is our school lunch ordering company. They offer delicious nutritious, well balanced, tasty food.
Lunch orders are available to order here everyday except Tuesdays. All orders need to be in before 8.30am on the day.
The BHNPSK Parent Community Page
We welcome all kinder and school families to join our private parent Facebook group. This group has been created to support the families of Box Hill North Primary and Kindergarten to connect. The group is open to discussion about upcoming events and communication between kindergarten and school families.
Before and After School Care -
TheirCare provide our on-site before and after school care. Click here, to find out more information or to register your child!