
Welcome Back to our Spanish Program!

Welcome back! We're thrilled to announce the return of our beloved Spanish program, led by the wonderful Irene. With excitement bubbling in the air, our school is once again buzzing with the rhythms of Spanish language and culture. Irene's warm presence and infectious enthusiasm have reinvigorated our classrooms, as she joyfully reconnects with returning students and extends a warm welcome to our newest learners in grades Prep and 1. The program is already in full swing, with laughter, learning, and linguistic discovery filling every lesson. As we embark on this new chapter of our Spanish journey, we look forward to the enriching experiences and vibrant connections that lie ahead. ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo! (Welcome back!)

Visual Arts

Artwork by: Jenny & Noni
Artwork by: Alexander
Artwork by: Ariel
Artwork by: Claire
Artwork by: Matthew
Artwork by:Gilbert
Artwork by: Joni
Artwork by: Jenny & Noni
Artwork by: Alexander
Artwork by: Ariel
Artwork by: Claire
Artwork by: Matthew
Artwork by:Gilbert
Artwork by: Joni

Welcome back to the Visual Arts Program for Term 2! It's fantastic to see all our talented artists settling back in and continuing their creative journeys within our choice-based program. From exploring new techniques to refining existing skills, each student is charting their own unique path in the world of art. As we dive into the new term, it's exciting to witness the early blossoms of creativity as students begin to envision and craft pieces for our eagerly anticipated Art Show in Term 4. Here's to a term filled with boundless inspiration and artistic exploration.

Performing Arts

Welcome back to school! It's already been a busy start to Performing Arts in Term 2. Students have gotten straight into their instrument lessons, focussing first on keyboard. We've gone back to basics, and students are refreshing their memories on how to use the keyboards, and how to identify different keys on the keyboards. It's been great seeing students collaborating and supporting each other in their learning.