Week 1 Learning Moments

We have had an awesome first week of Term 2 across the school. 

 1/2A have been sharing times where we have been brave to face our fears. Taking risks, not being afraid and saying, ‘I can do this!’

They have also had so much fun re-connecting after the holidays and working collaboratively!



1B have been practicing turn taking and working together in a respectful and kind way.



2A have been learning about solving problems. We discussed and came up with different strategies we can use to help us when problems arise! 


Grade 5/6 this week the students have been working collaboratively to brainstorm ideas for their $20 Boss Challenge! Stay tuned for more on all of the brilliant ideas! 


They've been writing about a special holiday moment too! 

And our Preps & Grade 3/4 students have been busy building beautiful relationships as buddies! 

And students across all years levels have been enjoying the return of Senorita Irene and her high-energy Spanish Program.