At the start of term 2 the year 8 students went to the Waratah Bay Beach Camp. We did lots of activities throughout the three days that we were there.
On the first day, we went on a 45-minute beach walk to Chicken Rock (local rockpools) while it poured down with rain (Yes, we all got very wet and cold on the walk there but on the way home we were just cold.) After that, we went rockpool rambling to search for any animals inside of the specified area that were on the sheet for an “Okay to pick up to put in the white bucket”. For dinner we had roast pork with vegetables, and for dessert, apple and berry crumble with ice-cream. After dinner, we went for a night walk to a lookout over the beach so we could look at the different aspects of the beach such as the waves, Wilson Prom, the many lights and what they represent. Once back at camp, there was a campfire, and we roasted some yummy marshmallows.
Thursday, we woke up to Mr Cronin singing magnificent songs, and had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Half of the students did surfing first up, where we met at the beach to get the gear ready and to learn the main importance to going in the water (with supervision by the KSC staff and the camp beach staff). Meanwhile the other students were getting ready to complete activities, which included Areoball (Trampoline basketball), The Climbing Tower (Rock climbing), Team Initiative course (Team building activities to get everyone taking part), and the Rec room choice activity (Selection of games to play). After lunch, the groups all swapped for the afternoon session. Before dinner we had free time to play in the rec room until dinner was served. Dinner was lasagne and vegetables, and to follow that we had jelly and ice-cream for dessert. We all got settled for a movie, Teenage Kraken, and the teachers gave us some popcorn to enjoy with the movie.
Friday rolled around quick, we got woken up my Mr. Cronin again, and breakfast was the delight of pancakes. Following breakfast, we packed up our stuff and got ready to go to the beach for some fun and amazing beach group activities. As Mr. Cronin (and Mr. Mahoney’s) said his group was always the best, they unfortunately won the sand castle challenge and the tug of war.
After we finished the challenges, we had free time on the beach playing football, soccer and many more, before packing up and heading back to camp for lunch, before heading back to school and back to our families.
A big thank you to the Waratah Bay Beach Camp staff and their commitment and help to get everyone fed and doing activities. Thank you to the KSC staff for leaving their families to be with us. Also, a big thank you to Mr. Santilli and Tina for the organization of the camp and the time and effort you put into making this happen for everyone to have a great time.
Written By Keira Dixon