Year 10 Update

Exams Fast Approaching 

With the cold and flu season upon us, it's essential for students to prioritise their health and wellbeing over the coming months. Getting plenty of rest, eating nourishing foods and being active goes a long way to avoid missing time off with illness. 


The Year 10s had the chance to do just that, when they participated in Golf and Self Defence as part of the Sport program for Term 2. The feedback from both groups was positive and there was even the mention of taking up Golf lessons on the weekend. 

Year 10 students have been diligently creating and reshuffling personalised Study Schedules tailored to their unique learning styles and school/life commitments. Figuring out what time of day they are most productive, how best to utilise the time they dedicate to ‘study’ and enjoying time away from their desks are important components of any successful Study Schedule. With four weeks out from exams, my door is always open and I have plenty of revision tips and tricks to share. 


This week marked an important milestone as our Year 10 students participated in Morrisby Testing. This valuable assessment provides insights into their strengths, interests, and potential career pathways at this pivotal stage of their academic journey. The girls are to be congratulated on the manner in which they approached this session. Thank you to Ms Freney for all of her work. 

Nicole Elliott

Year 10 Coordinator