Senior Years Update

Our Senior Years students have spent the last few weeks exploring the difference between two important, yet distinct sets of questions. These questions are posed to every student at this end of their secondary education. Students are tasked to grapple with questions such as ‘what next’ or ‘what will you study and where’.  While these are important questions to consider, we also believe it is equally important for students to consider another question, who are you now and who do you want to be? Both questions can inform one another. They can help to affirm student choices, or they can challenge the student to consider alternative options to the ‘road more travelled’. Students in Y11 have been focused on question 1 this term exploring possible career opportunities and pathways that are available, while our Y12 cohort have been exploring the latter.  

Year 11

Students have been provided with an excellent opportunity to explore life beyond the Shelford gates with their Tertiary Experience Day. Below is a summary provided by class representative, Steph D.  


On the 2nd of May, the Year 11 cohort embarked on an exciting Tertiary Experience Day. Firstly, we visited the factory of Ego in Braeside. It was very interesting to see and hear firsthand how the whole enterprise operates. We had the opportunity to tour around the factory, view the corporate offices, the labs and we witnessed the skin products being produced. The presentation we listened to allowed us to gain insight of various jobs offered in the industry and the characteristics that are desired in the workforce. 

We were also fortunate enough to visit Deakin University and began with lunch on campus. This really gave us the chance to feel the buzz and atmosphere of a university. We heard from students on campus who gave us advice from their personal experiences, and we also toured some of the campus. The resources, support and facilities truly amazed us all! It was an eye-opening experience to a potential tertiary pathway and furthermore, gave us a glimpse of what the future holds for us after finishing high school. 

Thank you to Ms Freney for organising this very valuable experience for us all! 

Year 12

Students had a reflective and raw chapel with our Chaplain Ms Juers who explained the difference between purpose, job, and person. She explained that while what we do is important, who we are is infinitely more important. She explained that sometimes the choices we think we should make, are not those that are true to who we really are. 


The Chapel provided time for students to think about the imprint they want to leave on the world, who they want to be seen as. It allowed them to consider the distinction between what they would do and who they would be. 

Below are some student reflections: 

“Through asking us about our purpose and impact, Ms Juers got us to take a step back from our often-insular future focus to think about what really matters to us”.  

– Sasha K

"During chapel we were given time to reflect on our individual core values and the impact we hope to leave on society after high school. This allowed us to consider our deeper purpose in considering different careers or life paths, over any material achievements." 

– Abi S

Rebecca Wright

Year 11/12 Coordinator