Clue Reflection

Out with a BANG!

Farewell to Shelford’s Senior School Productions 


As the curtains drew to a close on our final senior school production, Clue: On Stage, it is with a profound sense of thankfulness and gratitude that I honour the legacy of performing arts at Shelford. This production was unlike any other that has been produced over the years at this school. In a world fraught with challenges, both global and local, I felt it paramount to present something refreshingly comical, even delightfully absurd. After all, they say laughter is the finest antidote to life's complexities! This is the beauty of theatre - it allows us to delve into every facet of human experience: from tragic narratives imbued with social commentary to light-hearted romantic comedies and even the farcical. 


Beneath the veil of farce, however, lies a profound truth that resonates with the depths of our humanity. In Clue, we were confronted with our primal fears, grappled with the potential for paranoia, self-doubt, and the erosion of trust. It was a sombre reflection, yet we laughed—not out of jest, but out of necessity. Laughter becomes our shield against despair, our defiant stance against the relentless presence of uncertainty. 


As we observed the hysterical characters navigating the labyrinthine corridors of 'Boddy Manor', their antics served as a mirror to our own vulnerabilities. Amidst the chaos of deception and betrayal, however, Shelford intentionally chooses to stand as a beacon of integrity, nurturing values of authenticity, inclusivity, and belonging. Thus, the absurdity of Clue, with its web of lies and suspicion, became a poignant backdrop for comedy. 

Reflecting on this final performance as a director fills me with mixed feelings of celebration and sadness. Collaborating with the exceptionally talented students at Shelford has been one of the greatest honours I have had in my teaching and artistic career. Their unwavering dedication to excellence and beautiful commitment to one another made my job as their director an absolute delight. To the cast of Clue and all past performers at Shelford, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for sharing your gifts, for embracing growth and learning, and for etching unforgettable moments into our collective consciousness. 

Erin Juers 
