Assistant Principal News

Week 3 greetings


Even though we are still in the middle of Autumn, I could not help but reach to my thick winter jacket, scarf, beanies and all that winter attires during this week! Such cold weather doesn’t worry our students the slightest about going to their swimming lessons every single day. They have shared many positive feedback and reflection with me throughout the week and I can’t wait to see how much they improve their swimming skill as well as how much understanding they develop about the water safety. すっかり寒さが増してきた昨今ですが、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。突然の気温の低下により、まだ5月にも関わらず冬用のジャケットなどについ手が伸びてしまう1週間でした。そのような寒さなど関係なく、CPSの生徒達は水泳教室の最初の週を楽しんだ様子でした。来週の終わりには、どれくらい水泳が上手になっているのか、またどれくらい生徒達の水辺や水中での安全への意識が高まっているのか、とても楽しみです。


Policy Updates


The Education and Policy sub-committee reviewed and updated the policies below. They were then approved by the School Council during our meeting which was held on Tuesday 30 April. Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions about either of those policies. 

CPS Duty of Care Policy

CPS Homework Policy

CPS Personal Property Policy

CPS Petty Cash Policy



Youth Mental Health First Aid

Recently, I took part in the two-day Youth Mental Health First Aid training alongside Ms Deng. Both training days provided us with so much information about supporting young people with different types of mental health challenges, such as  anxiety problems, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, suicidal thoughts and attempts. Just like the physical first aid training, it’s best to prepare ourselves for those situations even though there might not be an immediate risk in our school community. We have also gained knowledge around the support resources that are available for the youth mental health challenges. Miss Deng and I participated in the training with much enthusiasm and we are excited with the scope of supporting our students and families as certified mental health first aiders! 先々週と先週の水曜日の2日に渡り、Youth Mental Health First Aidのトレーニングにデング先生と共に参加してまいりました。不安症、拒食・過食症、様々な精神病、自死願望や未遂などの深刻な問題を抱える若い人たちを支えるための情報を学び、通常の救急処置同様、万が一の状態に備えトレーニングを修了することができました。デング先生と共に熱心に学び、二人とも3年間のYouth Mental Health First Aiderとして認定されました。


Snapshots from the Classroom


Our students were busy completing a range of assessment tasks over the past two weeks as well as navigating through a different routine during their first week of swimming. This week, I asked some of our students about their reflection of the swimming program.過去2週間に渡り、生徒達は様々なアセスメントタスクを終わらせ、今現在の学習の成果を測定しました。また、今週は水泳教室で少しルーティンが変わった生徒達は忙しい1週間を過ごしました。今週は、水泳教室についての感想を生徒達に聞いてみました。


Milla told me her reflection in Japanese:

楽しくて、水に入るのが好き!(It’s fun and I love getting into the water!)

深いプールに浮かぶのが好き。深いプールが好き!(I love floating in the deep pool. I love the deep pool!)





Harriet also told me her recounts:

It was fun. (楽しかったです。)

The thing that I loved the most was playing ‘Red Light, Green Light’. 


When your teacher says ‘green light!’ you will have to kick the water.


When the teacher says ‘orange light’ you will have to kick the water slowly


When the teacher says ‘red light’ you will have to stop.




Harvey shared his reflection as well:

I like swimming lessons. (水泳のレッスンが好きです。)

I like free style and I am a good swimmer. (クロールが好きです。僕は水泳が得意です。)






Leo proudly shared his experience at the swimming:

I really like the swimming lessons.(僕は水泳のレッスンが好きです。)

I am in Brown Group this year. (今年は茶色グループにいます。)

Last year, I was in Pink Group in the little pool, but now I am in the big pool.
