English News
Week 2
On Friday all staff at St Patricks will be involved in professional development with the Sutherland Shire Network. K-4 teachers will be focusing on English and years 5-6 teachers will focus on Maths.
K-2 will be commencing a course, “Teaching and Assessing Reading in the Foundation Years.” This course has been designed by Sydney Catholic Schools alongside a professor from the Australian Catholic University. It is an exciting course on the most recent, evidence based approach to reading.
Years 3-4 will be engaged in strategies to support writing as well as reviewing, refining and planning for writing inline with the NSW syllabus. The day will be led by Instructional specialists from Sydney Catholic Schools.
Years 3-6
Soundwaves Spelling - Years 3-6
Kim Hill
Years 3-6 English Coordinator
K-2 Phonics Update
Week 1: Consolidate s a t p i n nn revise words from Term 1
Week 2: m d g sag sad mat pin dam tin pig sap dig
Week 3: Consolidate m d g
o c k ck dog cog dot pot cod kin cat sock dock
Year 1
Week 1: ai: ay ai a_e chain train brain mail snail play stay spray shake snake plate
Week 2: Consolidate ai ay a_e
Week 3: ee: ee ea e y me be she bee see three wheat treat plead windy rainy
Year 2
Week 1: or: or aw a our dawn lawn sport morning fork horse small calling
Week 2: or: al au oor ough augh chalk stalk floor door bought caught daughter
Week 3: ow: ou ow brown town round sound flower shower
Kate Gill
K-2 English Coordinator