Career & Pathways
Senior School
Career & Pathways
Senior School
Year 9
Students who are yet to finish their Morrisby profiling, should please log on to and complete this as soon as possible. If any students have not yet registered, please contact Mrs Dennison or Mr Knowles and we will help you with this process.
Year 10
Work Experience is being held from Monday 20 – Friday 24 of May. We are in the process of following up with students who are missing information from their Work Experience Arrangement Forms. If any students have not submitted forms and still wish to do Work Experience, please contact Mr Hoogkamer, Mrs Dennison or Mr Knowles. Any students who are not participating in work experience will be required to attend school for an alternative program.
Trade & Tech Fit Expo
Consent for Year 9/10 female and gender-diverse students who have registered to attend this event is due on Wednesday 1 May. Please keep an eye on Teams as we will be sending out information there. If any students did not register and are interested in attending, please contact Mrs Dennison as soon as possible.
Items in the 19th April Career News include:
Items in the 26th April Career News include:
Jessie Dennison
Tim Knowles
Career Practitioners