
Design and Digital Technology


Prep students have been busy working on their design processes; this week focusing on empathy, ideas and project plans. We spent time considering the things people love, what we could make that includes those passions, and what resources we would need to create the designed object.

Grade 1/2

Just like the preps, grade 1/2 have been practicing their design processes too. Designing and refining creations. In grade 1/2 students have been introduced to the use of files, learning how to add a professional smooth finish their wooden creations. 

Grade 3/4

In grade 3/4 students have been progressively upping-their skills, taking on new types of projects, or revisiting favourites to a higher standard.

Grade 5/6

In grade 5/6 students are being challenged to master some of their design and technology skills, choosing passions and challenging their capacity. Along side mastering laser cutting, 3D printing and woodwork quite a few students have taken on the challenge of creating a layered-frame project.

Rocket League

Our first ever Rocket League tournament is well underway, with 12 matches completed to-date. 

So far the Diamond Divas, Fortnite, The Gods, and Hotrods have won their match and made it into the second round, the first round will wrap-up in the next 2 weeks.

Once completed  we will begin the next round.


Great work everyone!


-Mr Taylor and Sooty